Monday, August 7, 2017

Love Doesn't Seek It's Own

Hello Everyone,

Today's topic is Narcissism, sort of.  Actually, we are going to talk about another aspect of love.  When we are walking in the God kind of love, we aren't out seeking to get our own.  What does that mean?  In a word, it means we aren't selfish.  Narcissism is a word that's being thrown around a lot these days and it is understandable.  God said that in the last days people will be lovers of themselves or selfish or narcissistic.  Notice again that this is not a feeling.  Selfishness is an action.

What I want us to notice is how that is the exact opposite of Love.  The Bible said that God so loved the world that he gave the most precious person He could to save it.  In fact, Jesus sacrificed Himself in our place to save us.  That's the direct opposite of selfishness.  Something that frustrates me greatly is how the Devil has deceived people into believing that God is some angry person waiting to destroy people.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God is sitting around looking for ways to be good to us if we let Him.  But we have to cooperate with Him if it's going to work!

So how does this apply to us today?  How do we display Love today?  The answer is simple.  Give!

How do we give?  There are many ways to give.  I was in a position just this morning to give.  It was such a blessing.  The most amazing thing is that I was able to give to the Lord.  I got to give to the One who gave everything for me!  That was such a joy!  I know of a preacher in the local DFW area who goes around and gives out $100 bills!  Now I want to throw an emotion in here because it's a side effect of giving.  That emotion is Joy!  What an amazing side effect!

For many of you who read this, you may not be in a place to give a lot of money to someone else.  Guess what, that's OK!  See God doesn't look at how much money you give.  He looks at you! So what can you do if you don't have a lot of money?  Give your time.  We all have the exact same amount of it.  I heard a slogan one time that said commit a random act of kindness today.  We can certainly do that and what a blessing it is when we do!

Just last week, I was dropping some packages of to FedEx.  While I was there, a random man helped me get my packages into the store.  He blessed me and it only took about 2 minutes of his time.  Now you might even say that you don't have two minutes.  Well do you have 10 seconds?  We can all take the time to pay someone else a compliment (as long as it's sincere).  How long does that take?

To wrap this up, the Bible says that love isn't narcissistic.  God (Love) is the exact opposite.  Instead of being extremely selfish, Love (God) is an extreme giver.  So let me encourage you today, find someone you can bless today.  You will be glad you did!

That's another Opinion of the Minion

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