Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Message from the Lord of the Minion

Dear Friends,

This will be a different type of post for me but I know it is right.  If you are a minister, I ask that you read this with care and make sure I am hearing correctly.  I believe today, I have a letter from the Lord that is in my spirit that must be let out onto this blog.  Below please find that letter from the Lord.

My Dearest Child,

Long before you were born, I created this world and I gave it to my son Adam.  It was completely his and I intended for us to grow it together.  But Adam made a bad mistake.  He gave the authority over this world to a fallen angel you know as Satan.  Let me say, I have never stopped loving Adam.  I care about him as deeply today as I did back then.  It grieved me that he gave our authority to Satan but I still love him.

I deeply loved Satan before he fell from Heaven.  Both Satan and Adam are my creations and I had to let both make decisions that would hurt Me even though I loved them with all that I am.  Jesus was there with me when these things happened and I see love so deeply in him.  I love him.  It grieved us both to see our creation hurt and see where we knew things were headed.  But We don't quit.  Our love for you would never allow us to.  That separation that Adam caused between Us and Our creation was something we desperately wanted to close.  Our hearts yearned for Our creation even more than before the fall because of the separation that took place.  We couldn't be one with Our creation like we were before that day in the garden.

I had a plan all along to bridge the gap.  The problem with the sacrifices that took place before this was that Satan still had authority in the earth.  That was what happened when Adam ate of the tree I told him not to.  He gave authority I intended for us to share to Satan.  I needed something to take the authority back so that I could be close to you and live with you.  Before the cross, I could be around you and I could be close but I could not live inside you.  It's like Tommy said about the box.  I could admire and put things in you but I want to live in your box.  I want to get as close as possible to the inner part of your box.  I want to get so close that what's inside your box and I become one.  If someone looks inside your box, I do not want them to be able to distinguish between what is you and what is Me.

I want to give you everything I have.  I am constantly looking for ways to bless you.  Sometimes you reject my offers but I never stop offering.  You are still my most prized possession.  If you look in awe at the majesty of the mountains or the depths of the oceans or the stars of the heaven, they are nothing compared to the way I look at you.  You are all that I long for.

Before I could become one with you again, I needed to get the authority back to do so.  If I had tried to change things without doing this, it would have destroyed the world and I would have lost you forever.  The three of us (Jesus, the Holy Spirit and I) could not bear the thought of loosing you.  You are too precious to Me.  You are all that I want.  The only way to put that bridge in place so that I could live with you and love you the way that I really wanted was for there to be a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world.  They included the ones that I knew you would commit after the cross and all the ones before.  For this to happen, We knew that We would have to send Jesus to as final payment for all the sin of our creation.  He decided He would go through great pain because of His love for you.

When We sent him to the earth, immediately some of his creation sought out to kill Him.  Imagine what it would be like for your son or daughter to be so misguided that they tried to take your life.  That's what was happening then.  Our creation didn't know Us.  I protected him because We all knew what He had to do.  I sent him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  I had to make sure he faced every opportunity to sin that the rest of Our creation has faced.  And he did.  But he held fast to me and blocked every temptation.  After that, he got to do what he loves more than anything.  Even though they didn't know they were his creation, We blessed Our creation through him.  We got to give out little glimpses of our love.  And we enjoyed it.  We got to heal the sick, proclaim liberty to the captives, provide food for people that needed, we got to give dead people back to their loved ones.  We got to give money to people that needed it.  We got to spend three years walking the earth in human form and blessing it.  It was such a joyous time for us.  Jesus loved his time on the earth with his creation.  We waited until the time was right and then set about redeeming Our creation and putting the bridge in place that would allow Us to come live in your box and be one with you.

Many will say that I am an angry God looking for ways to hurt my creation but I am not.  I love my creation too deeply to do anything that would harm it.  It is all I love.  Many of my sons and daughters are anxiously awaiting my son Jesus' second coming.  That will be a sad day for me because many of those that I love more than anything will have made a choice not to live with me and be with me.  I love them enough to let them decide but it hurts Me when they don't want Me.  I want you to know that I love you today.  I have always loved you and I always will love you.  I am God but I want to be your Father.  I want to spend time with you.  I want us to enjoy your life together.  I want you to be successful and fulfilled all the days of your life.  I want nothing but the best for you.  Bad things happen in this life to people but I don't do bad things to my loved ones.  Little children, you are all I care about and desire.  I have gold and beauty you haven't seen yet but I seek after you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great fear and trembling that I submit this letter from the Lord.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life.

Tommy Oswald (The Minion that God so passionately, deeply and committedly loves)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A 350 Pound Minion

One thing I believe in doing is being honest with yourself.  In one of my blogs, I talked about my greatest failure.  Today, I want to share something that I hope will inspire someone who needs it.  While, I guess I would have to say that this is a success in my life, I respectfully submit this not as bragging but in the hope that someone else will be inspired to make themselves better.  I have a very dear friend who told me that this story inspired her and I cannot tell you how much that touched my heart.

It's funny because it seems easier to talk about the things that I have done wrong and I am almost ashamed to talk about the things I have done right.  Why is that?  I think it is because I have been taught that pride is a bad thing.  There are some forms of pride that are very bad but I think it is OK to talk about things that go right in your life.  That's part of being honest with you.  See we all know all of our faults.  I can catalog mine and cross reference them.  And when we are feeling down, then we want to spend a lot of time working our self over about them which isn't good.  But what about the other side of the coin?  What about our strenghts?

Well, as you may have guessed the picture above is of my dad, my son and me.  Doesn't look much like the picture to the right of the blog does it.  Well it's really me.  At my heaviest, I was 350 pounds.  I am 67" tall and I was 58" around.  I used to tell people that I was in shape because round is a shape!  Nobody bought.  I wore a 5X shirt.  I made jokes about my weight all the time but the reality of it was that it hurt to be this big.  It hurt physically but it also hurt emotionally.  If you are big, I understand completely where you are because I was there myself.

Have you ever ridden on an airplane?  Well you know when you sit down the flight attendant does a demonstration showing you how to work the seat belt?  That thing she holds up can be used as a seat extension for people who cannot fit the seat belt around their waist.  I was one of those people and always had to ask for it.  It was embarrassing and I was ashamed of myself.  I tried to play it off with jokes but it always hurt.

Finally, the Lord instructed me to get a personal trainer.  Now at the time, I didn't want one because I didn't want to spend the money but I believed I had heard the voice of the Lord so I decided to hire him.  After several months, I kept telling him I was going on a diet and I would (for at least a day or two at a time).  But then life would happen and I would quit.  One day, I told my trainer that I was starting another diet and he called me a liar.  He told me not to insult him by saying that.  He said that when I was tired of being the way I was, I would change.  Until then, I wouldn't.  Well, I am not used to people who I pay money talking to me like that but he was absolutely right.  It's funny because today he is definitely a friend of mine and not just my personal trainer.

So I started journaling everything I wrote.  I did this for about six months.  Then one day, I had to face what I was doing.  See, I wrote down everything on paper that I was eating but mentally, I didn't write it all down.  After I admitted the problem I had, I asked the Lord to deliver me from my addiction to carbohydrates.  Guess what happened.  He did.  I got sick for a couple of days but I came out of it a changed man.  All the sudden, eating the right things and exercising was easy.  I didn't tell people I was going on a diet but I didn't have to.  They could see it.  There is a life lesson in that point - Don't go around telling people what your are going to do.  Just let your actions speak for themselves.  They do anyway.

Then my trainer told me that I was going to be a runner.  I knew that it was from the Lord but I told my trainer it would never happen.  Long story short, within two years of being 350 pounds I had ran my first marathon.  I have ran two.  So here are the stats.  I lost two feet (24 inches) in my waist.  I went from a 58 to a 34.  I lost 160 pounds in 14 months and it was one of the easiest things I have ever done because the Lord was helping me do it.  I went from a 5X shirt to a medium/large depending on the shirt.  Pretty cool huh.

Well, you might say, that was easy for you but I can't do that.  Wrong.  I am nothing special.  If God can do that through me, He can certainly do that in your life.  What areas are you weighing 350 pounds?  Is it in relationships, your actual weight, friendships, finances, or school?  Well dare to believe that you can change any area of your life.  Because with God's help you can.  It's never too late.  He always has a plan.

And that's another Opinion of the Minion