Friday, December 9, 2011

My Friend Stays at the Mailbox

Today I want to talk to you about something that was a bit of a revelation to me.  I have to give credit for this analogy to my cousin AB.  Cuz, I know you told me where you got this but I forgot.  But I want to talk to you today about friendships.

Now you may find this hard to believe because I have no problem writing about myself good, bad or indifferent on this blog but I am a shy person.  I'm not super shy to the point where I won't talk to you but I will probably not just walk up to someone out of the clear blue and introduce myself or talk to them unless there is a specific reason to do so.  If introductions are made, I will probably talk to you about you and I really don't like to talk about myself.  When I started writing this blog, someone came up to me who knows me pretty well and asked where all this stuff comes from that I write.  The answer was it comes from inside my box.  I spent years closing the lid on my box and not sharing what was inside it because I didn't value it enough to celebrate it myself.  However, I do not share my inner most thoughts and feelings with everyone especially if I don't think they will appreciate it.  Guess what, I realized that's a normal thing.

I have met people who are on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to there inner most self and neither of them are healthy.  If you will not tell anyone anything about you ever, you are destined for a lonely and unfulfilled life.  I know that some people would say that they like being an introvert and that their life is just fine.  I seriously doubt that because of how we were created.  On the other hand if you are the person who tells everything to everyone, you are destined to get hurt more than you should because some people will not value what's down deep in your Box.  It's unfortunate but true.

I think too often we let our friends and relationships happen by default and never take the time to evaluate them.  That is a bad place to be.  Think about it for a minute.  You can spend hours deciding on what college to go to or what house/car to buy.  These things are important but a house is just a building that you live in.  It's not a home without relationships.  A car is just a way to get from point A to B.  Don't get me wrong, I drive a very nice car and I like it.  It is comfortable, etc. but understand this.  If I drive a real nice car and the guy driving beside me drives a beat up piece of junk and we both drive for one hour at exactly 60 miles an hour, will I go farther than him?  Nope, we will travel the exact same distance.

Now if we spend that much time deciding on things that are important but not of supreme importance, why don't we spend any time evaluating our friendships?  For me, part of the answer was I didn't like being alone.  It hurt and I hated it.  Now I haven't really evaluated my friendships lately so if I haven't talked to you and you are a personal friend of mine, don't take this to mean that I there is something wrong with our relationship because that's not true.  I am really thinking about this more as I move forward.  When I meet someone where do they belong in my life?

See there are some people who I meet that really should stay out at my mailbox.  So when I go out in my front yard to get the mail I can talk to them.  Please don't take this to literally.  When I say out by my mailbox, I mean that I will not let them get too close to me personally.  I will talk to them about life in general and I will listen to them but they are not meant to be closer.  Also, just because they aren't meant to get closer to me doesn't mean that they shouldn't be very close to someone else.  They should be at the core of some one's friendship circle, just not mine.  I am not saying that their is anything wrong with them, just that they are not supposed to be super close to me.

Then there are some people who I would let up on my front porch.  We might sit in the swing or in a chair with a cup of tea or coke and talk.  I might let them know that I write a blog.  I might tell them that I am writing a book but it would be talk about things that are pretty common knowledge in my life.  But it wouldn't be the super deep things in my life.  It wouldn't be the most important things to me.  Also think of this as a funnel.  There may be many people who are mailbox friends and their would be fewer people that are front porch friends.

Then there are living room friends.  These are people who I invite into the living room.  We eat dinner together and we hang out.  We watch TV and our kids play with each other.  There will probably be very few living room friends.  I only have a few.  You can probably count them on two hands.  They are people who I trust and who I would talk to about almost anything.  I might tell them if I was struggling with something or if I was trying to make a major decision, I might want to talk to them.  They are close friends.  These people you must choose carefully.  They don't represent a building or car, you are in trusting them with a special part of you.  You must make sure that you can trust them with that part of you.  Don't let just anyone into the living room.  That is a hard thing to do.  If you cannot trust them then don't let them past the front porch. 

Lastly their are bedroom relationships.  Now before some of you go where I think you will go with that, it has nothing to do with sex.  The bedroom is where you lay down at night and sleep.  It is the place that you feel safe enough to become completely defenseless while you sleep.  You turn off everything that would be a defense.  You stop actively listening, you close your eyes so you cannot see danger coming.  You lose consciousness and it would be extremely easy for someone to hurt you without you being able to stop them.  This place is a place where you only let a couple of people.  If you are married, your spouse should be one of them.  Ask yourself if he or she really is.  If not, why?  I recently had dinner with a friend and she was telling me that her perfect mate would be another friend of hers who is a girl.  Again, pump the hormone brakes.  She isn't gay, she's just saying that this person accepts her completely and that she can be totally defenseless with her friend.  Many of you have a best friend like that and it's important to have someone like that.  I don't really have anyone in my life that I am completely comfortable with becoming totally defenseless with yet.  I have people that I know love and support me but I don't have a bedroom friend right now.  That's OK too because that part of me that I let be so helpless and exposed is worth protecting.

Let me ask you, do you have friends in the bedroom who should not be there?  If so, you are destined to endure pain.  Do you have any friends who can get past the front porch?  If not, you are destined to be lonely.  You have to find the right balance and work from there.  Also, let me tell you this.  You will have friends that move from time to time and that's OK.  If someone hurts you deeply, they might get locked out of the bedroom or even out of the house for a while.  That can be a good thing.  I recently was involved in a situation where someone in my life had to go out to the mailbox.  I don't hold that against that person and I don't think that person holds it against me.  It was just what needed to happen.  Those things are OK.  People will move around and it's OK.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ask the Minion

Hello Everyone,

I decided to do another round of ask the Minion because I have had fun with the first couple so here goes.  Before I start, I think most of you know this but I want to be clear on one thing.  I am in no way associated with the movie Despicable Me.  I just liked the character so I put it on my page.

BA - Why do I call my blog the Opinion of the Minion - Originally, I was really just joking about writing a blog with some of the guys in the office.  While on a trip to Houston in February, a friend of mine asked me where two people were who should have been with us working.  He asked me where the minions were.  I thought it was funny at the time.  When I decided to start writing my own blog, I knew it was basically going to be my opinion and minion just rhymed so the name stuck.  What I didn't see happening was the number of people who would actually read what I write.  It is still very difficult for me to wrap my mind around all the people who are fans of this blog.  Thank you all.

ANH - Have you ever resolved the problem with the anti-gravity serum? - I'm not associated with the movie.

EW - What's my Opinion on gay people - Wow.  This is a loaded question.  First of all, I love people period.  Gay, straight, black, white, green, purple, or orange.  I know some people who are gay and they are really nice people.  However, I think what you are asking me is do I think being gay is right?  The answer is - What I think isn't important.  What the bible says is.  If I look in the bible, it says that same sex relationships like that are wrong.  Please don't send me any hate letters.  I didn't write the book.  I'm just telling you what it says.  Now before you gay bashers start chiming in on how wrong you think homosexuality is, let me tell you something else.  Jesus told people to work on themselves before they got into other people's business.  He said that people are walking around making a big deal out of someone elses' sin that is little while they have massive sin in their lives.  What does that mean, mind your own business.  It's not my place to judge a gay person.  It's not my place to judge anyone.  When they get to heaven, they can take it up with God.  It won't matter to me at that point because I will have plenty of areas where I am wrong to discuss with God.  He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.

RS - Why can't you give me $10? - RS, many people in my life have asked me for money.  You are the first one to do it on the Minion and that's funny.

MMDM - Do you think aliens are real?  If so, why? - I think there is life that is not on earth.  After all, God is a real person and he is in Heaven.  We know that Heaven isn't on earth.  It is a real place and it is somewhere so there must be life outside earth.  I don't know if God put other life forms on other planets though.

SB - Why did you pick that as your profile picture? - When I was setting up my FB page, I needed something to go up as a profile picture and I wanted a picture of a minion because of the name.  I really didn't know what to expect but I knew I didn't want anything that looked scary or bad.  When I googled pictures of a minion, the one I used came up and I liked it.

ZKR - What language do you speak? - I don't know much about the movie characters but I speak English.  I can speak very very little German and even less French.

TM - If you choked a minion for an experiment, what color would it turn? - That's cute.  No clue.

JC Part 1 - Explain to me what the real definition of success is in today's society? - JC is a good personal friend of mine so let me start by asking JC something.  Would you consider me a success?  Why?  The definition of success in society is how much wealth you have and what you have been able to achieve like college degrees, etc.  Unfortunately, that measuring system has nothing to do with success.  Success in life is really measured by the number of lives you touch and how you touch them.  Are you a good dad, friend, husband, wife, mom, etc.?  Do you help people when they are in need if you can?  Do you have good relationships?  Are you trying to make a positive difference in the people's lives around you?  If so, then I would call you a success.  Success is measured in the quality of your relationships not the value of your bank account.

JC Part 2 - What will break the cast system we currently need to overcome today for everyone to be able to thrive and prosper together peacefully? - OK you will definitely not like my answer on this one.  The answer is the second coming of Christ.  The bible says that in this life you will have trouble and that there will be wars and rumors of wars.  So the live together peacefully part won't happen until then.  As far as breaking the caste system, I think people have to wake up and want out of it.  If you look at many people today, you will see apathy.  They simply don't care about what is going on around them enough to make any kind of change.  Let's take politics for example.  If enough people don't like someone, they can get together and have him or her voted out of office.  Does that happen normally?  No because it takes a lot of a four letter word - work.  When I was at my heaviest, I was always telling your brother that I was going to lose weight.  Finally one day he told me that I was a liar.  He said that when I got tired of being fat, I wouldn't be fat anymore.  I think it applies to breaking out of the caste system as well.  People have to get tired of it but most don't.  They are more interested in watching TV than changing things.

IR - What's a question?  -That's funny.

IR - What would you do in case of a Zombie Apocalypse? - No clue. Again, that's funny.

WH - How can you recover from a broken friendship? - This is probably a good question for a completely separate blog.  In short, it takes time to heal from a broken friendship.  They are the hardest because typically it's someone you trust.  To start with, find someplace safe.  Because you are a guy, I will give you a piece of advice that applies to everyone but we guys don't do this much.  Let it hurt.  It's going to and when you feel pain, it's your body and spirit telling you something is wrong.  I tried to shut all painful emotions out of my life for a long time and it made me very callous which is a bad place to be.  Next, own up to anything you did in that relationship that was wrong.  Here's another thing I see a lot today, people are afraid to be wrong.  It's OK to be wrong.  Guess what, there was only one man ever to walk this planet who never made a mistake.  You and I are going to make them.  After that, ask God to forgive you of anything you have done wrong.  These next two can be hard.  First - forgive the other person.  You shouldn't be around them if they are going to continue to hurt you but forgiving them will help you heal.  Second - forgive yourself.  After that, it takes time.

JC - lotto numbers - If I knew, I would have already bought my own ticket.  :-)

SS - What is the name of the minion in your picture? - I don't know.

TK - Do you like pie? - Yup.  My favorite is my grandmother's homemade pecan pie fresh out of the oven with a scoop of ice cream on top.

MS - Why can't minions talk? - I don't know.

BP - Why are they yellow and not, like, purple? - Again I don't know.

EM - Do you think the world will end in 2012? - Probably not but I don't know.  Here's why I say that.  The world will radically change when Jesus comes back the second time but from what I have read in the bible, I will be around for a few years after that.  The bible also says we don't know the day or the hour when Jesus will return.  So if everyone says 2012 then I doubt it will be then.

MS - How can the force of gravity come together from mostly the sun and make the world end in 2012? - No idea.

BA - When are you going to answer all these questions? - Today.  Sorry it took so long.

BM - What's a minion bible story? - It's a story from the bible that I try to tell in my own words.  Several weeks ago a couple of people asked me if I would write them so I thought I would give them a try.

SS - Can you rap anything? - Nope

DP - Are you a glow stick? - Nope

JB - What's your girlfriend's name? - I don't have one yet.

JB - Have you cheated on her and what's your dad's name and your momma's name? - I don't have one and so I can't cheat on her but I wouldn't anyway.  If she isn't the girl that I can't stand to be without then I won't stay with her anyway.  I want the girl that looks fine dressed up but is more beautiful to me in blue jeans and a tee shirt with her hair in a pony tail.  I want the girl that I cannot stand to leave.  Someone that I just need five more minutes looking at her and talking to her.  I want her to be physically attractive certainly but that's not enough.  She has to be attractive as a whole person.  If I find that, there will never be any need to cheat on her.  My parents names are John and Donna.

GD - Republican or Democrat? - Hard to say.  Neither party has a clue about fiscal responsibility, neither party seems really accountable to the American public and I am not convinced that either of them has the best interest of the country at heart.  That said, from what I know in extremely broad terms, the Democratic party tends to want bigger government and that is just a mistake so I typically vote Republican.

JWG - How is cooler:  Pon or Zi? - I don't know.

SDJ - Why are minions yellow? - I don't know.

AR - Why can the minions only say ehhh and ahhhh? - I don't know.

SG - Does this page have a contest? - Sort of.  I like to give out "The Box" awards.  What are they?  I will try to write a post but I like to give out an award to someone who does things for others.  If you know of someone, let me know and we can talk about getting them an award.

AA - How small are the minions in inches? - I don't know.

JH - Who does the voices of the minions in the movie Despicable Me and why do they talk in an alien sort of language? - I don't know

And those are answers from The Minion