Monday, January 30, 2012

Ask the Minion

Hello Everyone,

Last week, through Facebook, I asked you to send me questions you wanted me to answer.  Here are the questions and the answers.

BC - Will you ever be a master mind like me? - I don't know.  Mastering my mind seems like a lot of work.

AS - Minion are you sweet & do you want to be friends? - Thank you AS.  I really appreciate it.  I have  a separate FB page called Tom Minion and we can be friends on FB that way.

KS - Will you make a show wit the minions? - I don't know.  I'm not associated with Despicable Me.

KT - Who's your best friend? - That's a difficult question to answer because I have so many close friends.  When something goes right or wrong in my life, the person I want to talk with is DC.  She's a great lady.

NR - How do you say, "I love you," in Minion - I typically just say, "I love you."  I speak English and there are just times when the English language is not adequate though.

JT - Why don't you work for me? - God has called me to do something else I guess.

KL - Minion when is my birthday? - I don't know.

CN - Am I a ninja? -  I don't know.

DC - What funny things can you do? - I can wiggle my ears.

JV - Will you be my Valentine?  I'm lonely.  - While I appreciate the offer, I can't.  I promised that to someone else.

JF - What is the Minion's favorite food? - I really don't have a favorite.  I like almost everything.

MY - What came first the chicken or the egg? - I'm going to guess at this one.  When God presented Adam with the animals to name, they obviously looked different enough for Adam to see something so I'm going to say the chicken.

JG - Why are you called a "minion" and what is your name? - My name is Tom Oswald.  I named this blog the Opinion of the Minion because of something funny a friend of mine said in Houston, TX last year.

LMJ - Why does the world spin? - I think I knew the answer to this question once upon a time but I forgot.

BH - Is it annoying for everyone to ask about the minions and not about the read idea of this? - Good question.  No, it doesn't really annoy me.  Everyone needs a place to be heard and if my Facebook page helps then great.  I think I have helped some people (at least I hope so) through it so it is OK with me.

DG - You you prefer candy or cookies? - Cookies.  Peanut butter chocolate chip ones are awesome.

RA - Where do you come from? - Fort Worth, Texas

AC - What is my question? - That's funny.

WH - What is the best way to help somebody? - That's a good question without a good answer because it all depends on the person and what they need.  I would start with listening to them and at least giving them someone who will do that.  After you understand their problem, ask God to show you how to help them.

JK - 1.  Is the idea here to ask "a minion" as in a minion in general or "The Minion" being you? - The idea is to ask me personally questions so I guess that would be "The Minion."  2.  What do you do? - Most of my day, I run a sales company but I am also a lawyer so I do that sometimes as well.

LK - What is the meaning of life? - For me the answer is doing my best to represent God on the earth.  I may not be a very good representation but that's what I try to do.

KC - Why do I love him so much? - I have to answer that question with a question.  What does he do that makes you feel so special?

SP - Why is it that purple can look pink sometimes? - I don't know.

SW - What would you do if you found yourself caught in a room full of balloons and bouncy balls? - I would look for my kids and play with them in the room.  That's probably the only reason I would be caught in it?

MO - Will there be a sequel to Despicable Me?
TC - Do Minion's wear goggles?
NS - Why do minions some only have one eye and are midgets?
YL - Since minions look like Twinkies, are minions edible?
AC - What language do minions speak and are minions ninjas when they are hyper?
CL - Why are you shaped like a bean/ahahaha? You should make little mini movies.
AH - Why do you talk weird and not English?
MM - What language do the minions speak and how do you come up with it?
MC - What do Minions do in their free time? And is there any sort of guide on how to translate Minion into English?
AP - How many of you minions does it take to defeat Superman?
AR - Where do minions live and why are they short and yellow? What language do you speak?
RM - How does Gru understand what you are saying?
KH - How do you say back off in Minion?
BC - Why are minions so short and yellow?
IR - Why are you yellow?
MSG - How many of you are there?
TK - What languages do minions speak?
TS - What is a minion?
CB - Where can I get a minion from they are so freaking cute?
AMB - Why are you so cute?
ZW - How many minions are there all together?
BW - What languages do minions speak?
HM - How do you know who is who and can I rent one out for a birthday party?
KR - How do you say I love you in minion language?
MK - Would you rather have one eye or two?
BJ - Why do you and all your brothers wear the same clothes?
KR - Can I eat you? You look like a Twinkie.
NP - What is ultimate happiness for a minion?
CB - Can I have one of you?
MC - Why do some of you have one eye but some two?
JD - Why aren't you blue?
DG - Will you make mini shows of the minions?
BLB - Why do you look like tator tots/Twinkies?
KW - Are you ever going to make another movie?
BMH - Where do Minions come from?
AC - Are you minions always hyper?
BH - How did there get to be so many of you?
JE - Why are y'all short?
HM - Why do you guys look like tater tots/marshmallows/Twinkies and chicken nuggets?
BF - Are baby minions like miniature?
SR - Why do the minions talk in Spanish?
VM - What language do minions speak?
KC - Why do you minions look like Twinkies in jeans?
KB - Why not eat candy instead of fruit like bananas...skittlz?

The answer to all these questions is, I think, - - I don't know. I'm not associated with Despicable Me. If I misread any of these and you wanted me to answer them, please let me know and I will give it my best shot.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Monday, January 23, 2012


Hello Everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about perfection.  Can we ever be perfect?  Many times I have said, "I'm not perfect.  I can't walk on water (I was referring to Jesus who is the only person to ever walk the earth and be perfect)."  I have to change that a little now because you don't have to be perfect to walk on water.  If God needs you to walk on water, He will cause that to happen.  I definitely still believe that he can do miracles today.  They are all around us.

So let's talk about being perfect.  See, I say with my mouth that I am not perfect but I have a very hard time accepting that as a real truth.  It's almost like I say it but I don't really believe it.  How many times do we hold ourselves to standard that we are not capable of achieving?  I have done it many times.  Do you ever get mad at yourself over making a mistake?  How about even worse, do you condemn yourself when you make one?  I normally don't get mad at myself if I make a mistake but I have been know to "enjoy" feeling guilty about making it for several days.  I once had an addiction (no it was not drugs or alcohol or anything illegal) that I could not break.  Now if I gave in to my addiction, I would feel guilty for several days after.  Why?  I guess it was my form of punishment.  Have you ever done that?

Now many of us church people will say that with God, all things are possible.  That's actually very true unless He has already stated something about it in his word.  Did you know it is not possible for you to go through life without facing trouble?  Jesus said that in this life we would have trouble but it's OK because he has overcome the world.  So I can't go around believing that I will not have trouble and saying that all things are possible through God because God already said I would face trouble.  Why am I using this analogy?  Because the same is true when it comes to perfection.  I have seen this in the church but it is prevalent throughout society.  We expect perfection of others.  If the truth be known, I think we do this because secretly we expect perfection out of ourselves.  We know that we aren't perfect and it makes us feel better if we can point out other people's imperfections.

Think about President Clinton for a minute.  I don't want to get into a political discussion but did you know he actually did some good things while he was in office?  All you ever hear about is the sex scandals though.  Why?  Was it wrong for him to do what he did?  Of course.  I'm not suggesting that what he did was OK but guess what it proves.  He wasn't perfect. 

So what am I telling you?  We can't expect perfection out of other people.  Guess what?  You are a people.  If you expect perfection out of yourself you are destined for disappointment.  Now I am not telling you that it is OK to use that as an excuse to do anything you want.  Someone might take this to mean that you should just do what feels good to you because after all you aren't perfect so don't worry about it.  I am not saying that at all.  You should work to do the right thing.  I mentioned earlier that I had a problem with a certain addiction.  Notice the key word - had.  It's not a problem today because God and I worked through it.

What I am telling you is that when you are striving to do the right thing and do your best, there are going to be times when you just mess up.  When you do, it's OK.  Now there are definitely consequences to actions.  If you are a student and forget to turn in a homework assignment, you might get a 0.  If so, then go on.  Next time try to remember to turn your homework assignment.

There may even be addictions that you are struggling with now.  Take those to God and ask for his help.  Now while there are no degrees of sin to God, there are degrees of consequences here on earth.  I over ate for many years.  I was mainly only hurting myself by doing that.  The consequences were bad health and a large food bill, etc.  But if your imperfections hurt someone else, get help.

So let me try to sum this up.  Other than Jesus, no one is perfect.  We can't hold others to a standard of perfection because they will never measure up.  But if no one is perfect, that means you/I will never be perfect either.  So we can't hold ourselves to that standard either.  Just do your best and give God the rest.

That's another Opinion of the Minion