Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You're Not Finished

Today I want to talk about something that I have been thinking about for a couple of weeks.  Most of the people who read this blog are young people but there some of us who are a little older.  Regardless of where you are in the journey of life, I want you to know that God's not finished with you yet.

I see people everyday who are not very successful.  Many of them feel like there lot in life is to just maintain whatever their state of life is now.  Maybe they work a 9 to 5 job, come home and watch TV, go to bed and start it all again the next day.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with the scenario I just described because there is not.  But most of the time those same people had dreams and visions when they were younger that they let slip.  Maybe they wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer and when that didn't happen, they just sort of let life slip by without trying to do what they dreamed.  Maybe they got discouraged because of some failure and that caused them to stop trying.  Let me just say, that regardless of your age, God is not finished with you.

We hear a lot in the bible about a guy named Moses.  Now Moses was a member of the royal family of Egypt by adoption and he was an Israelite by birth.  He lived a pretty privileged life for the first part of his life but then he hit a snag and got stuck in the wilderness for about 40 years.  At eighty years of age, he could have just quit on life and coasted in for the remaining years of his life.  He could have said he was too old to do much and it was just his lot in life to work for his father-in-law and watch his kids/grand kids grow up.  There would have been nothing wrong with that except God needed him to lead the whole nation of Israel out of Egypt.  He didn't start into his ministry/calling until he was well past the age at which he could draw social security (they didn't have it back then though) but he decided that God wasn't through with him and he did what God called him to do.

I have a friend who is working on going to medical school.  He is in his mid/late 30s which is past the normal age for people to start medical school.  Some people might say that he is too old.  After all, he will be in his early 40s by the time he gets done with residency, etc., and starts his practice.  But understand this, in a few years he will be in his early 40s regardless of whether or not he goes to medical school so I say he might as well chase his dream.  He is going to be that age regardless.  In a way that is similar to Moses, he decided not to let age stand in the way of accomplishing his dream.

So let me ask you this - what is your dream?  Why aren't you pursuing it regardless of your age?  You are not too old for God to use you.  You are not too old to accomplish your dreams so get busy accomplishing them.  Regardless of how old you are, dare to dream big and chase your dreams.  You might say, "What if I don't accomplish my dream?"  Well I say, "What if you do!"

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Keep Stirring

Today I want to tell you a story that I heard recently.  I was sitting around a table with some of my girlfriend's family a couple of days ago and Aunt M told us this story.  I think she actually knew the person involved but I don't remember that part for sure.

There was a man who was on his way to west Texas many years ago.  Now the drive to west Texas from central/east Texas is a very long one and there are some stretches even today where there are not very many gas stations, etc., but when this story took place, the man was stopping at the last gas station for many miles.  Since there was a long stretch of highway between gas stations, he decided to stop for gas.

While he was filling up the car, he noticed that there was a little hamburger place attached to the gas station.  Well, if there wasn't another gas station for miles, there wasn't another place to stop and each lunch either.  He was hungry so he decided to stop and eat.  As he sat down, a gruff looking waitress came over and took his order.  He ordered a hamburger and a glass of tea.  When the tea came she gave him only one packet of sugar.  So he put that packet in and stirred a little bit and tasted the tea.  It wasn't very sweet so when the waitress came by, he asked for a few more packets of tea.  To which she replied in her gruff voice, "Keep stirring!" and walked off.

So he stirred a little while longer and tasted the tea again.  There were still granules of sugar in the bottom of the glass but it tasted a little sweeter yet.  The waitress came by, looked at the glass and said again, "Keep stirring!"  Back to stirring he went.  When he got done, he tasted the tea and it was pretty sweet after all.  He was satisfied.  But the waitress wasn't.  She came by again and said, "Keep stirring!"  So he stirred until all the granules in the glass were gone.  When he tasted the tea it was very sweet all on one packet of sugar.

Now let me ask you this.  Have you ever been at a place where you think you need something?  Maybe you think you need more money.  How about this one.  Maybe you think you are not capable of doing something and you need more talent.  Possibly you think you need more love in your life.  Well met me tell you this - "Keep stirring!"  God has placed all the talent and love you will ever need inside of you when you made Jesus the lord of your life.  The bible says that David stirred up the gifts of God in his life with his words.  So Keep Stirring!  You have all the talent you will ever need.  I just may need to be developed in you.

That's another Opinion of the Minion.