Friday, February 23, 2018

Does My Past Disqualify My Future?

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to discuss a question that I think many of us have asked ourselves once or twice.  The question is, have I done something so bad that I have doomed my future?  What's the answer?  Well, I want you to take a look at something to answer that question.  How many of you know the story of Adam and Eve?  We all do right.  This is the story of the most evil human being to ever walk the Earth.  What he did was doom the entire planet because he wouldn't do thinks God's way.

Think about that for a minute.  How did hate crimes get in the Earth?  Through Adam's sin.  How did racism get in the Earth?  Through Adam.  How did all kinds of failure get in the Earth.  Through Adam.  You can indirectly blame every hateful word, every murder, every rape, every theft, every unkind act on Adam because he was the door that let all of this into the world.

Obviously someone like this deserves the most harsh punishment right?  If anyone deserves to go to Hell it would be Adam.  The Bible says we were all born with a sinful nature because of Adam.  So what did God do to Adam when He confronted Adam in Genesis?  Well before He even discussed the punishment with Adam, He had a plan to fix it.  He told the snake in the garden that because he tricked Adam, woman's offspring would crush his head and Satan would bruise his heel.  Guess who God was referring to? - JESUS.  Before God even dealt with Adam and Eve's sin, he put the fix for the whole world into motion!

So let me as you this?  What have you done in your life that would disqualify you from achieving all God has called you to do?  What did you do that was bigger than Adam?  How about this.  What did you do that was bigger than God's redemption plan?  The answer is NOTHING.  God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has good plans for your life!  So if you have screwed something up in your life - divorce, getting fired from a job, screwing up a relationship, being convicted of a crime..., guess what?  GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!  There is nothing you can do or have done that changes this.

Maybe you are getting a little older and the dream God put in your heart seems really impossible.  It's not!  God still has a plan for your life.  If you feel that life is hopeless and that you can never succeed because of something you did or maybe something you should have but did not do, GOD STILL HAS A GOOD PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!

If you are struggling, why don't you take whatever the problem is to the Lord?  If you do, He can show you the good plan he still has for your life!

That's another Opinion of the Minion!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

God Spanked Me

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to take a break from writing about love to tell you how the Lord disciplined me.  This is what He told me to write about today.  So here goes.

This week, I found out that while I have some spiritual intelligence, I am lacking in spiritual maturity in an area.  I know of  a couple of people I though were very smart but not overly mature lately.  It's funny because the Bible says that we should not judge people unless we want to be judged.  Guess what, that is exactly what happened to me.  I noticed that I have been pretty quick to judge.  Normally this applies to our kids.  Now don't get me wrong, as parents we have to look at their actions and provide discipline.  But we don't have to provide so much judgement.  But that's a different blog.

Here is what I noticed that I was doing.  I have heard for a long time that we should love a sinner but hate the sin in their lives and I believe that we should always stand strong in our convictions about what is right and what is wrong.  I think I've done this.  For me, it's simple.  If the Bible says it's right, then it's right.  If the Bible says it's wrong, then it's wrong.  End of story.  And this is true but it's not the whole story.

Let me tell you about Jesus.  He would go and eat with people who were considered "sinners" in his day by the religious leaders.  But there isn't record of Him disciplining them.  We don't have record of what they talked about but I would imagine that if He was always beating them down, they wouldn't want to be around Him.  In any situation, He could beat someone down with the Word of God and told them all their sins.  After all, He is the Word of God.  But many times he didn't.  He just loved them.

I think that is what I have been doing mentally.  I see someone that has a particular problem in their life and I judge the problem.  I can tell them why something is wrong or right because any many cases, I can see in the Word where it is right or wrong.  I can see this in many areas of our country today.  But my problem was I didn't see the people, I only saw the right or wrong.  I could be quick to go straight to the "answer."  But the Lord told me, "Son, while you may know a few things, you are spiritually immature."  See, God can't trust me with all of His power, which I want, unless He knows I am spiritually mature enough to handle it.  It would be like turning a two year old child loose with a car.

Here is what I have to do.  I have to be quick to listen and to love.  I need to stop judging people's actions because in reality, I am judging them.  I need to be quick to meet a need and quick to try to help.  As I do that, I will grow in spiritual maturity which will allow me to experience more of the power of God in our lives.

That's another Opinion of the Minion