Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Holding Grudges

Hi Everyone,


Someone who follows me on Facebook, NP, asked me to write about holding grudges so here's my take.


We've all been there.  There's that one person who has really done something wrong to us and we want to get back at them so bad we can taste it.  We dream of all the witty things we would say or how we would act given the chance and we think about how good it would feel to finally let that person have it.  I mean we deserve to get even with someone if they have done something wrong to us.  If you are a Christian you have to turn the other cheek once but after that you are out of cheeks and it's time for payback.  Now many times we don't pay the other person back we just think about it.


But even when we do pay them back, we often feel worse for what we did to them than we did before we did it.  One time I was in a movie theater with my brother and his wife.  We were in line to get popcorn and all the things you need to see a movie and there was this guy who said that my sister-in-law didn't pay for her hot dog when I knew she did.  I don't remember how it started but he said something that was kind of insulting and I didn't wait to hold a grudge, I let him have it right there.  I said some really mean stuff that cut him down to size.  Then we went into the movie theater and I felt so terribly awful for saying the things I said.  See my mom always told me that two wrongs don't make a right.  So what did I do?  I went back and found the kid and apologized profusely for my words.


So now let's deal with what happens when we hold grudges?  First of all, the real person it hurts is us.  Grudges don't normally hurt the other person because they normally don't even know about them.  But what they do to our insides is pretty bad.  They make us feel all sorts of negative emotions that really can do us harm.  If we are not careful, we can spend a lot of time mediating on all the negative stuff which is really bad for us.  


But also did you know that when we hold things against other people that it will hinder our prayers to God.  The bible tells us to forgive others so God can forgive us.  That's pretty heavy stuff.  So I can hear some of you saying, "That all sounds good but I've tried everything and I just can't let go of this grudge."  Well that's not true.  Did you know that there is a lot of power in the words we say.  When we go around saying things like I can't let go, we only make it harder to actually let go.


The answer to this lies in that hole under our mouth.  If you want to let go of a grudge, make a conscious faith decision to let go.  Then say out of your mouth, "I let go of that grudge that I have against so and so."  At that point, it's a done deal.  So what do you do three minutes later when that negative feeling starts coming up?  You say to it, "Nope I have already let go of the grudge and forgiven that person."  If you keep saying that, eventually it will become a reality in your life and you can finally be free of the grudge.  Remember, if you are a Christian, you got saved by faith.  You can let go of a grudge by faith as well.  When you do, God will help you let go.


That's another Opinion of the Minion

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Is God in Control?

Hello everyone, I recently had someone tell me that they did not understand why bad things happened. They were speaking about something that happened in their life personally that affected our family when they made the comment. I heard this person say, “Well God is in control, why didn’t He stop that?”


I want to address that today. For the most part, God is not in control in our world today.  There is going to come a time when Jesus returns and then God will be in complete control.  But right now, we are in control of what we allow and what we don’t in our lives.


Think about it.  If God is in control, He is really bad at running the world.  As a matter of fact, He isn’t very good at just running the city where I live.  Everyday, people die here from murder.  People steal and do other bad things.  Our country is even worse because of all the bad things that happen.  There are wars that kill people.  If I was God and I was running the world, I wouldn’t want to put my name on it.


God can only operate where we allow Him to do so.  God is not going to just come into your life and make everything OK. The Bible says the God works all things for good but that doesn’t mean we sit back and do nothing and “poof” God makes it all better. How many people reading this are struggling?  God can take control of things were we let him. But he can’t control things that we don’t. 


The reason bad things happen on this earth, is because there is a real devil that still has control of part of this earth. And he does bad things to people all the time. God allows this because he is not in control of all the earth. He owns it but he’s not in control of all of it. I have complete ownership of a company. But I don’t control everything that goes on in our company.  I need to add this – God doesn’t make anyone sick.  1 Peter 2:24 says that by Jesus stripes we were healed.  The devil puts sickness and disease on people – not God!


I know this is going to sound strong, but the truth is it’s our job to take the weapons that God has given us and drive the devil out of our life. The devil is not going anywhere on his own. We have to drive him out using God’s power.

If you are reading this and you don’t know Jesus, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my friend Jesus. Would you like a personal relationship with Him? All you have to do is pray this simple prayer. Say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, I believe you got born into the family of Christ. The Bible says that Jesus will always be with you. He wants a relationship with you.

If you prayed, would you please leave a comment saying, “I prayed”. We would love to know you did.


Also, if you would like to learn more about who you are and how God really sees you, please click the link below. We would love to send you study material absolutely free.


That's Another Opinion of the Minion

Saturday, November 26, 2022

 What is True Love?

Today I want to encourage you with this thought. Love is the missing ingredient in the world today.

As I look at our world today, I see more strife and more division between people than I've ever seen in my lifetime. In the United States, we seem very divided based on political ideologies. It seems that if you believe the way the left believes, you hate the right. And if you believe the way the right believes, you hate the left. If you look at social media, this message is all over it. I see hate speech from both sides. The common denominator between these two different viewpoints is hate. And hate is the opposite of love.

1 John 4:8 says that “God is love.” If this was a math problem, it would look like this God = love. Where there is no God, there is no love. If we call ourselves Christians (which simply means to be Christ like), then we should act in Love. That is the true way to act like Christians. Love prays for the president whether you like him or not. Love prays for the police whether you like them or not. Love does good things for people we don’t like. Love mows the neighbor’s yard when you don’t like him. God (Love) sent His son to this world to take the ultimate punishment for our sin against Him because He loves us!

I think it’s time we started loving people like God does!

If you are reading this and you don’t know Jesus, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my friend Jesus. Would you like a personal relationship with Him? All you have to do is pray this simple prayer. Say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, I believe you got born into the family of Christ. The Bible says that Jesus will always be with you. He wants a relationship with you.

Congratulations! If you prayed, would you please leave a comment saying, “I prayed”. We would love to know you did.

Also, if you would like to learn more about who you are and how God really sees you, please click the link below. We would love to send you study material absolutely free.

That's Another Opinion of the Minion

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Mind Control

 Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk about mind control. When I think of mind control, I think of Jedi mind tricks from Star Wars. How cool would it be to have the ability to change someone’s mind? Well we can. We can change our own minds. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well I can’t help the way I feel about something?” That’s just not a true statement. Your thoughts control how you feel. Is there someone you want to forgive but just can’t seem to do it? Is there something you would like to get rid of in your mind but don’t know how? Hopefully this will help.
Our minds are constantly feeding on something. We get to choose what we let in our minds. I know people who listen to every news report about the bad things going on in the world and that is always a topic of conversation with them at some point. They feed everyday on the news and they talk everyday about the news. They are renewing their mind everyday with the news. Unfortunately, this is toxic thinking. I am not suggesting we should be ignorant of what is going on around us but if we constantly feed or mind on things, it will effect us.
Maybe you struggle with something someone has done to you. Do you rehearse it over and over again in your mind? Do you think about what they said or what they did and how wrong it was? What are you feeding your mind with? You are feeding it with thoughts about what that person did. Consequently, you stay in a strong emotional place around them. Even if what they did was really wrong, you don’t need to feed on those thoughts. You might say, “Well there is no way I can change the way I feel and I can’t control my thoughts.” Good news – Yes you can!
How do we control what we think? The Bible says that we should renew our mind with the Word of God. In Romans 12:2 it says don’t be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. How? Spend time in the Word. Spend time reading your Bible or listening to it online. When we do that, the way we think and feel will change. It may not change overnight but it will over time.
Do you want to be free from old bad ways of thinking? Then feed your mind something else.
If you don’t know Jesus and would like to have a personal relationship with Him, all you have to do is pray this simple prayer. Say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, I believe you got born into the family of Christ. Congratulations! If you prayed, would you please let us know.

Also, if you are new to the family and would like to learn more about who you are and how God really sees you, please click the link below. We would love to send you study material absolutely free.

That’s Another Opinion of the Minion

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about the news. I think we spend way too much time watching what is going on in the world today. Now don’t give me wrong, I do believe we should keep up with current events and know what’s happening. But I think it’s easy to get overwhelmed and caught up in Covid or what’s going on in this country or what’s bad that potentially could happen in that country, etc. And if we’re not careful we can spend hours watching.

I think we would be better off if we decided to be the news instead of watching the news. I heard a story onetime about a person who was going to commit suicide after school one day. I believe it was a girl and she had very low self-esteem. While she was at school, someone walked up to her and told her how nice she looked in the dress she was wearing. It changed her whole day, and she didn’t commit suicide. Wouldn’t it be great to be the person who paid her a compliment and changed her trajectory? What do you think the world would look like if we all found a way to encourage someone? I think that’s what it means to be Jesus ‘s hands and feet in the world.

We get the opportunity just to help someone else feel better about themselves. So today I want to encourage you to find someone to encourage and blessed with your words today.

If you don’t know Jesus and would like to have a personal relationship with Him, all you have to do is pray this simple prayer. Say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, I believe you got born into the family of Christ. Congratulations! If you prayed, would you please let us know.

Also, if you are new to the family and would like to learn more about who you are and how God really sees you, please click the link below. We would love to send you study material absolutely free.

That’s Another Opinion of the Minion

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What is your calling?

 Hello Everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about your purpose in life. Why am I here. That is such a huge question. In Jeremiah 29:11 it says that God has a plan for your life. The Bible says He knew you before you were born. That means before you were born, God had a plan for your life and it’s a really good one. As of this writing, I am 49 years old and I know my purpose. My calling in life is to build God’s kingdom on early. My vehicle for my calling is my business. My mission is to use the profits God causes in our life to fulfill the missions He gives us.
Let me ask you this. Do you have a 1 year plan? Do you have a 5 year plan? Many people might answer both of those questions yes. But do you have a 300 year plan? Interesting question right? You will be somewhere in 300 years. It won’t be on the earth as we know it. You will either be in Heaven by then or you will be on the new earth. In 300 years if we are still waiting on Christ to return, I want to know I left something on this earth that is still causing me to see rewards in Heaven.
How do I do that? I leave something on the earth that causes people to get saved and come see me in Heaven. To date, through this blog, I believe 26 people have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I hope many people over the years will be encouraged to accept Jesus through these writings. That’s one of my missions. In my next blog, I am going to talk about dreaming bigger. You won’t want to miss it.
If you don’t know Jesus and would like to have a personal relationship with Him, all you have to do is pray this simple prayer. Say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, I believe you got born into the family of Christ. Congratulations! If you prayed, would you please let us know.
Also, if you are new to the family and would like to learn more about who you are and how God really sees you, please click the link below. We would love to send you study material absolutely free.
That’s Another Opinion of the Minion

Friday, July 12, 2019

A Caution About Faith

Hello everyone,
Before I discuss how to activate faith, I want to take this blog to say a few things about where we can use our faith and where we cannot. I believe some people who have heard the phrase “name it, claim it” or “blab it, grab it” have a misconception about how Faith works. As I may have said, God is not a genie in a lamp like from Aladdin that we get to command to give us wishes. God doesn’t work that way. Let me give you an example of how I tried that, and it didn’t work.

When I was married to my first wife, I was a financial disaster. I would buy things on credit that we didn’t need and couldn’t afford but I was so selfish, if I wanted it, I tried to get it. Back then we wrote checks for the grocery store, etc. One of the things I did (because I was addicted to food and a horrible money manager) was write a check for $35 and cash it. When I wrote the check, there was not enough money in the account to cover it but I hoped that I could deposit my paycheck before the check I wrote tried to clear the bank.

Why did I write the check you ask? I would love to tell you that it was for medicine or something else that we really needed but sadly that was not the case. It was because I didn’t want to eat at home. I wanted to go out to eat. So, we would pay $25 for the meal. Then the check would clear the back before I could deposit it so I would owe the bank $25 for the bounced check and then I would owe the restaurant $25 for the bounced check. So, I wound up paying $75 for a $25 meal that I didn’t need. I was spending money wrongly and selfishly.

During this time, I was a tither and I happened to be going to law school at night. One day on my way to school I got a brilliant idea. Because I was a tither and I had Faith that I could ask God for things and He would give them to me, I was going to buy a lottery ticket and win the lottery! After all, I could “name it, and claim it.” As I drove to school that night, I got more and more excited. I just knew my faith was going to make me rich. It was difficult to concentrate and the closer to the end of class we came, the more excited I got. Finally, class was over! I jumped in the car and raced home to check the results. I was already planning how I would spend the money and what we would do. When I got home, I didn’t get one number right. My Faith didn’t produce the winning number.

Why? Well that’s a different post but let’s just say that it wasn’t God’s will for me to get out of my financial problem that way. First, I wasn’t trusting God. Second, because I was being selfish and blowing money all the time, God could not trust me with that money. Also, based on what I was doing, even if I had won, I would have lost it all.

Now it was certainly God’s will to get me out of debt, but He had to work on me. Today, God has blessed us financially in a way I could not even understand back then but I am a little more grown up around money and He can trust me with it. He is showing me ways to do things now that are so much better than the lottery.

So, what is the takeaway? In my next post, I will discuss how to activate Faith but as we prepare to activate our Faith, we must understand that Faith must be based on God’s Word, it’s not just a wish list machine.

If you are reading this for the first time and are thinking, “How do I get in on the God thing?” Have you invited Jesus into your life? He is the God of today. He’s not just a life insurance policy for after you die. If not, just pray this simple prayer. “Jesus, I ask you to come into my life. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died for ALL my sin and that God raised you from the dead. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you prayed that prayer, you are now part of the family. If you prayed that prayer, would please let me know by commenting on this and telling me?

That’s another Opinion of the Minion

How to Strengthen Your Faith

Today I want to discuss how to get/strengthen you Faith. This part is not very hard spiritually, but it will take time. I like to think of Faith like a muscle. Muscles are something that we have from birth. When we are born, they are not very big. A newborn baby can’t bench press 300 pounds when he is 2 weeks old right? Yet, he has all the muscles he would need to someday do just that.

Our Faith is the same way. When we are born again, we become like little children in the Kingdom of God. In Romans 12:3, the Bible says, God has given us a measure or the measure of faith. In another place, Jesus talks about Faith that can move mountains. However, most of us don’t have mountain moving faith the day we are born again even though we have some Faith then. Think about this, we had to have Faith that Jesus is the son of God, that He died on the cross and rose again to be saved. So, we know we have Faith. Yet many times our Faith isn’t as strong as we need it to be. In my life, I have seen my Faith produce amazing results. For instance, in my life, I got a real revelation of God’s word on healing from disease according to 1 Peter 2:24. Because of that, I haven’t been sick in years. I have had the devil attack my body but my Faith in that revelation has kept me well. However, I have experienced ringing in my ears for years as well and I believe that Jesus paid for my healing 2000 years ago. Why have I not received my healing? That’s a question for a different post.

I have seen God do miraculous things in my finances because I believe in tithing and have done it for 25 years. I’m not a preacher and I haven’t asked anyone for money since I was in my mid 20s (I’m 48 now) asking my parents for help. Why? Because my faith is developed in that area. Some people say tithing doesn’t work and it’s all a scam for churches to get money. Since I’m not a pastor or a preacher, I don’t know. I can tell you this. Tithing works for me! I don’t have time to tell you all the blessings I have received from the Lord. That’s may be a different blog.

So how do we go from being an infant to being able to lift 300 pounds? That’s pretty simple but it can take some time. The answer is we allow our muscles to grow. We exercise them and we feed them lots of protein so they will develop to a point where we can lift that much weight. Faith is no different. We have to feed our Faith and exercise our Faith until it grows to the point where we can move mountains. How? The way to feed/develop Faith is to put the Word in us. The Bible says that Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:17. How do we hear the Word? We read it and put it in our sprit through our eyes and we listen to the Word preached and put it in our spirit through our ears. That’s why it’s good to go to church. I can’t say that enough. I am not saying this brag, but I read my Bible everyday and have for many years. Why? Because I need to strengthen my spiritual muscles and I want to know more about my Father and Big Brother, the Lord and Jesus.

After that, we exercise the Faith we have. We don’t go from lifting 5 pounds to 300 pounds in one day. We do it by lifting 5 pounds then 10, then 15, then 20 and keep going up until we get to 300 pounds. It’s the same way in our spiritual life. Let me help someone with this. If you get sick, go to see a doctor. It doesn’t mean you aren’t spiritual or that you are not loved by God. It may be that your Faith muscle in that area isn’t developed enough yet. Don’t worry about it. God will still be with you. At the same time, use your Faith to believe that God will heal you. As we do that, our faith begins to grow. I heard teachings on healing for many, many years and got sick many times while I was listening to and reading about healing and I went to see a doctor. What was happening? My faith was building until one day I was sitting in a movie theater watching The Passion of the Christ. When I saw Jesus hit with the cat of nine tails and a piece of flesh came off His back, the scripture in 1 Peter 2:24 (By His stripes you are healed) came to my mind and before I had a chance to think about it, I said out loud – “I will never be sick another day in my life!” And I haven’t! Now I continue to feed my Faith in that area as I work on other areas where my Faith isn’t as strong as this area.

Let me end with this. If you don’t have this Faith in your life, the first step is to be born again spiritually. To do that, all you have to do is say, “Jesus, come into my life. I make you my Lord and Savior.” If you pray that simple prayer, Jesus will come into your life and you can start this wonderful Faith journey with all your new brothers and sisters. If you prayed that prayer, would you please let me know. I would love to celebrate with you!

That’s Another Opinion of the Minion

What do We Use Our Faith On?

OK now that we know we are supposed to use our faith in God as a tool, what do we use our faith on? Think of it this way. Now that we have a screwdriver, what screws do we turn with it? The answer to this question is we use our faith on anything God says we can use it on. So how do we know if we can or we can’t? We look to the Word of God (the Bible) to tell us what we can do. I am not suggesting that our Faith in God is some sort of multiple wish machine where we can get anything we want because that’s not true.

For example, God said, “You shall not steal.” So, if I try to use my Faith to rob a bank, it won’t work. Why? It’s against God’s will. God doesn’t want us to rob a bank. He want’s us to use our Faith to believe that He will provide for us. There is a long list of things we can use our Faith to bring from God’s spiritual realm into this natural one. For example:

We can believe God for money. Phil 4:19 – “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.” Malachi 3:10 – “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse . . . and I will open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out such a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it.” Let me stop here and say, money is not evil. The Bible says, “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” 1Tim 6:10. You can love money and not have any. So, don’t let the devil trick you into believing that God doesn’t want you to have money. God just doesn’t want money to have you. If you don’t have money, you can’t bless others with it. Would you like to build an orphanage in Africa? You can’t do it without money.

We can believe God for healing. “By Jesus stripes we ARE healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. “By Jesus wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5. Let that settle in your mind forever. It is God’s will for us to be healed. We should never ever pray, “Lord, if it’s your will please heal Johnny.” We know, it is God’s will to heal Johnny. Now someone might ask, “Well, I prayed for Johnny and he didn’t get healed. Why did that happen?” I can’t answer that here because there is a lot that goes into it. But know this, if Johnny doesn’t get healed it is not because God did not want him healed.

We can believe God for peace. Isaiah 53:5 “The chastisement of our peace was upon Him (Jesus).”

Let me just say this about what we can use our Faith to produce. Last week, during my quiet time with the Lord, I heard Him say basically, “Son, you are the only limitation on what I can do. I can do anything you can believe Me to do.”

Anything in the Word of God (the Bible) that God says we can have, we can use our Faith to produce it.

I can already hear someone saying, “Now that I know what Faith is, why I have it and where to use it, how do I use it?” I will discuss this in the next blog.

For now, that’s another Opinion of the Minion.

Why do We Have Faith

Hello everyone,

In my last blog, we discussed what faith is. Now I would like to talk to you about why we have faith. If God gave us this tool, He must have done it for a reason. If you gave me a screwdriver, it would make sense that I use it on a screw. It’s the same way with our faith. Faith in God is a tool that God wants us to use to bring the things He has for us from the spiritual world into our natural world.

While this seems simple, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “Well we are just waiting on God and hoping He will do something.” Then when we don’t see what we were hoping for we either get mad at God or we say something like, ”Well I guess it wasn’t the Lord’s will to heal me. He must have put this sickness on me to teach me something or to bring Him glory.” There are a couple of things wrong with that statement. First of all, God doesn’t have sickness to give anyone. The Bible says that when Jesus touched people they were healed. Where would He get sickness anyway? Is there any sickness in Heaven? The answer is no. The Bible also says that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy. God is a good Father. He is not going to put sickness on us to teach us something.

Have you ever wondered why some people receive a blessing and some don’t? Some might respond to that by saying, “Well, you just never know what God is going to do.” Yes we do. He told us what He would do in His Word. God is also not a gamble. His Word is sure. It works every time.

How does this relate to using Faith as a tool? Good question. When the devil attacks us, God is waiting on us to use our Faith in Him to stop that attack. When we don’t have enough money, God is waiting on us to use our Faith in Malachi 3:10 to believe that when we tithe, He will pour out such a blessing that there is not room enough to receive it. That’s why He gave us Faith. There are many times in the New Testament when Jesus told someone, “Go your way. YOUR faith has made you whole.” Notice, it wasn’t Jesus faith, it was the person asking for healing’s faith.

Think of it this way. If we don’t use our Faith, it’s like we are starving and sitting at a table with our favorite meal on it. Instead of picking up something to eat and extinguishing the hunger in our body, we stand around and pray, “Lord, please feed me. Lord, I’m so hungry. Lord, I’m hungry but I know if it’s your will for me to starve, I’m starving for your glory.” The whole time, the Lord is saying – “EAT. I’ve put the food right in front of you. All you have to do is use your hand to pick it up and eat it.” That’s what we do with our Faith many times. God has given us this wonderful gift and we don’t use it.

That’s something the Devil doesn’t want us to know. He wants us to sit around questioning God and wondering why bad stuff is happening to us. Because he knows that if we ever discover how to use our Faith in God, there is nothing the devil can do to stop us.

That’s another Opinion of the Minion


Hello Everyone,

I have started posting again but mostly I do it directly on Facebook.  I want to put these here in case you don't have a Facebook.

Today let’s start talking about faith. I really like all the definitions that you posted. Simply put, faith is trusting that God will do what He said He would do. But it’s a little more than that. Would I would like to discuss over the next few blogs is - What is faith, how do I get faith, and lastly, how do I use faith? Ultimately, faith is something we use like a tool. It’s just like a mechanic uses a wrench. But I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

What is faith? The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is a substance. Faith is our link between the spiritual world and this physical world. WE are supposed to use our faith to bring things from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. I know that can sound a little spooky but it’s not. Think of it this way. If you are reading this, you probably believe that I exist because I am writing the blog, right? How can you be sure that I exist? Can you see me? Even if you are one of my close friends, you still must believe that I am writing this. As a matter of fact, I am sitting at my desk in my office and no one is watching me write this.

And yet, many people believe that I wrote this blog. It’s no different with God. I didn’t see people write the Bible. That doesn’t bother me though because I believe God inspired them to write what they wrote. I have faith that God could cause His word to be put in a book. If He can make the whole universe, He can certainly cause people to write His book correctly.

As I said, faith is what we use to bring stuff from the realm where God lives into this one. We are to use it just like God did. When He said, “Light be,” then light moved from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. Think of it this way, if I told you that I was going to send you $100 if you gave me your bank account number, would you do it? You would if you had faith that I was going to do what I said I would. Even though you can’t see me, you might have faith that I would send you $100. If that happened, you would use your faith in my word to give me an account number. That would allow me to send you $100 into your bank account. Your actions with your faith would cause something to move from a world you cannot see (my office) to a world you can see (your bank account). Ultimately, that is exactly what we are supposed to do with our faith in God. That’s why the word says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you can’t see.”

I believe that here is where many Christians stop. They believe that God is God, but they don’t use the faith that He gave them. We are supposed to use OUR faith to cause things to happen in this natural world just like the Lord did when He created the universe.

That’s Another Opinion of the Minion

Friday, May 24, 2019

You are Priceless!

Hi All,

I’m not sure who this is for, but I know someone needs to hear this.  I want to talk to you about what you are worth.  I believe many of us have a very low opinion of ourselves and think we aren’t worth very much.  Some of us value ourselves based on how much we weigh or how good we look.  Some of us value ourselves based on how many likes we have on social media.  I believe there is a young girl somewhere reading this who places a value on herself based on what a boy thinks of you.  I also believe that this person is using sex as a way to get boys to like them.  They are basing their sense of self value on how a boy treats them.

I want to encourage you to see yourself for who you really are.  Your actions or the things that have been done to you don’t tell the true story of who you really are.  You need to see yourself as extremely valuable.  As a matter of fact, you are priceless.  How do I know this?  Because Jesus gave his life for you.  Sure, He did it because He wants you to go to Heaven, but He also did it because He loves you and He wants you to have a good life here and now.  Here’s another cool thought.  No matter what you have done in your past, His value of you doesn’t change.  You can’t have done anything so bad that He doesn’t see you as a priceless work of art and He will always look at you that way.  He set your worth 2,000 years ago and the value will never change.

Do you know what the worst thing ever done in the history of the world is?  It was when Adam ate of the fruit in the garden of Eden.  When he did that, he condemned the world to all sorts of horrible acts.  Every awful thing you can think of, came from that one act.  Every murder, every theft, every horrible crime came from that act.  Guess what God did when He found out about it?  The first thing He did was come up with a plan to fix it.  As soon as He found out, He made the decision to send Jesus to pay for Adams sin and He sent Jesus to pay for ours too!  After that, He clothed them, and He still had a good plan for their lives. 

No matter what you have done, God always has a plan B.  Guess what plan B is always a good plan!  He’s also got a plan C, D, E …  He never runs out of good plans for your life!  He loves you that much!  Now if He sees us as that valuable, isn’t it time we start seeing ourselves the same way? 

That’s another Opinion of the Minion

Friday, March 2, 2018

For Men Only

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is really for men.  It's a challenge that I believe the Lord is putting on my heart to talk with men about.  Now I know it's not as popular to do today but when I was growing up a lot more people went to church.  Why?  Well that's just what we did.  Doing this and watching my dad and others grow up helped shape my vision of what a real man should be.  You know, we should be Mufasa (from the Lion King).  We should be king of the jungle and protect our families.

I have heard guys say things, "I would die for my wife and die for my kids."  "I let my wife do the praying and all the God stuff.  I'm the provider for our family." 

So here's what I find interesting about those ideas.  I know this has happened and I am not taking away from any man who has paid that sacrifice for his family or his wife.  I cannot begin to understand something like that.  But men, let me tell you saying that doesn't give you the right to do nothing else.  Instead of saying "I would die for my family", why don't you actually give up yourself for your family everyday.  They need you.  Part of the biggest problem our country faces today is that we men have forgotten how to be men! 

Husband, tonight instead of sitting home and watching ESPN while you relax, why don't you die to yourself and spend some time listening to your wife or your kids.  It's time we invest in them if we don't want our relationships to continue to suffer.  Your wife doesn't need you to die for her, she needs you to live for her.  She needs you to spend quality time with her.  She needs to know how much you care for her and she needs you to be present in her life.  Do you know what that's called?  It's called being intimate with her according to her definition of intimacy.  If we do that, it will lead to our definition of intimacy in a way that is beyond the normal.

If I asked you, how many of you have a good marriage, how many people would say yes?  I would be one of those people.  Guess what, I have decided that I am no longer satisfied with a good marriage.  I want to have a great marriage!  As a matter of fact, I want to have all the amazing things God has in store for marriage in mine!

So what do I need to do?  On top of some of the things that I have said above, it's my job to get on my knees before my Father as the head of my house.  Guys, it's not enough for us to just have our wife respect us and let her do the God thing.  God wants a relationship with YOU.  He's not looking to have a relationship with you through your wife.  He wants one direct.  How many times a week do you spend time with the Lord asking for direction for you, your family and your marriage?  I thought I was doing that fairly well, until recently the Lord told me that I need to spend more time with Him.

Well, "I don't know how to pray," you might say.  Let me tell you just how easy it is.  Just say "Hello Lord," and wait for Him to respond.  He longs to talk with you just like we long to be with our children.

Well, that's enough for one day and that's another Opinion of the Minion.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Does My Past Disqualify My Future?

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to discuss a question that I think many of us have asked ourselves once or twice.  The question is, have I done something so bad that I have doomed my future?  What's the answer?  Well, I want you to take a look at something to answer that question.  How many of you know the story of Adam and Eve?  We all do right.  This is the story of the most evil human being to ever walk the Earth.  What he did was doom the entire planet because he wouldn't do thinks God's way.

Think about that for a minute.  How did hate crimes get in the Earth?  Through Adam's sin.  How did racism get in the Earth?  Through Adam.  How did all kinds of failure get in the Earth.  Through Adam.  You can indirectly blame every hateful word, every murder, every rape, every theft, every unkind act on Adam because he was the door that let all of this into the world.

Obviously someone like this deserves the most harsh punishment right?  If anyone deserves to go to Hell it would be Adam.  The Bible says we were all born with a sinful nature because of Adam.  So what did God do to Adam when He confronted Adam in Genesis?  Well before He even discussed the punishment with Adam, He had a plan to fix it.  He told the snake in the garden that because he tricked Adam, woman's offspring would crush his head and Satan would bruise his heel.  Guess who God was referring to? - JESUS.  Before God even dealt with Adam and Eve's sin, he put the fix for the whole world into motion!

So let me as you this?  What have you done in your life that would disqualify you from achieving all God has called you to do?  What did you do that was bigger than Adam?  How about this.  What did you do that was bigger than God's redemption plan?  The answer is NOTHING.  God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has good plans for your life!  So if you have screwed something up in your life - divorce, getting fired from a job, screwing up a relationship, being convicted of a crime..., guess what?  GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!  There is nothing you can do or have done that changes this.

Maybe you are getting a little older and the dream God put in your heart seems really impossible.  It's not!  God still has a plan for your life.  If you feel that life is hopeless and that you can never succeed because of something you did or maybe something you should have but did not do, GOD STILL HAS A GOOD PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!

If you are struggling, why don't you take whatever the problem is to the Lord?  If you do, He can show you the good plan he still has for your life!

That's another Opinion of the Minion!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

God Spanked Me

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to take a break from writing about love to tell you how the Lord disciplined me.  This is what He told me to write about today.  So here goes.

This week, I found out that while I have some spiritual intelligence, I am lacking in spiritual maturity in an area.  I know of  a couple of people I though were very smart but not overly mature lately.  It's funny because the Bible says that we should not judge people unless we want to be judged.  Guess what, that is exactly what happened to me.  I noticed that I have been pretty quick to judge.  Normally this applies to our kids.  Now don't get me wrong, as parents we have to look at their actions and provide discipline.  But we don't have to provide so much judgement.  But that's a different blog.

Here is what I noticed that I was doing.  I have heard for a long time that we should love a sinner but hate the sin in their lives and I believe that we should always stand strong in our convictions about what is right and what is wrong.  I think I've done this.  For me, it's simple.  If the Bible says it's right, then it's right.  If the Bible says it's wrong, then it's wrong.  End of story.  And this is true but it's not the whole story.

Let me tell you about Jesus.  He would go and eat with people who were considered "sinners" in his day by the religious leaders.  But there isn't record of Him disciplining them.  We don't have record of what they talked about but I would imagine that if He was always beating them down, they wouldn't want to be around Him.  In any situation, He could beat someone down with the Word of God and told them all their sins.  After all, He is the Word of God.  But many times he didn't.  He just loved them.

I think that is what I have been doing mentally.  I see someone that has a particular problem in their life and I judge the problem.  I can tell them why something is wrong or right because any many cases, I can see in the Word where it is right or wrong.  I can see this in many areas of our country today.  But my problem was I didn't see the people, I only saw the right or wrong.  I could be quick to go straight to the "answer."  But the Lord told me, "Son, while you may know a few things, you are spiritually immature."  See, God can't trust me with all of His power, which I want, unless He knows I am spiritually mature enough to handle it.  It would be like turning a two year old child loose with a car.

Here is what I have to do.  I have to be quick to listen and to love.  I need to stop judging people's actions because in reality, I am judging them.  I need to be quick to meet a need and quick to try to help.  As I do that, I will grow in spiritual maturity which will allow me to experience more of the power of God in our lives.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Love - Watch Out

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to take a small detour from talking about the attributes of love to issue a warning about our study.  Over the last couple of weeks, I have had more opportunities to be unloving than I can remember in the last year.

For instance, just this morning I was sitting in Starbucks reading and going through my daily routine.  When I got done, I had to take my SUV over to get the air conditioner fixed.  While I was driving through downtown Fort Worth, I turned onto a street and pulled up a little and stopped (I was playing Pokemon Go).  When I did, the lady behind me honked her horn at me for stopping.  Now she couldn't see me so she has no idea I did this but I immediately said something ugly to her.  Why?  Because the devil doesn't want me to learn to really walk in love.

He met someone 2,000 years ago who walked in perfect love all the days of his life, Jesus.  Guess what, the devil couldn't touch him because perfected Love was Jesus' shield and protection.  Love is another name for God and he was walking in perfect God all the days he was here and it protected Him.  Now I am not saying we are going to be perfect because we miss the mark sometime.  But what I am saying is that the more we walk in Love, the more impact we have on this earth.

Jesus walk was so different that it impacted the people around Him long before he ever died on the cross for our sins.  See the devil doesn't want me (or you) to walk in Love because he knows it will drive out his only weapon - fear.  The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear.  It also says that Love never fails.

So are you believing for a loved one to turn to Jesus?  Are you believing for a situation to change at work or at your school?  Are you believing for restoration in a relationship?  Are you believing that you can change something in your life that you don't like?  Are you battling addiction?  The list of questions could go on and on.  But what's the answer to any of these problems?  The answer is perfected love.

I know my love walk is not perfect.  I also know that perfected love lives inside me right now and He is working on my behalf to get me to the right place.  Are you struggling with the whole "God thing?"  Would you like to have perfect love living inside you?  You might say something like, "You don't know what I did.  I did something that nothing can fix.  I did something really bad and God can't love me."  Well have I got news for you.  Jesus' blood was shed for ALL sin.  No matter what you did, Jesus' blood is stronger.  Would you like to start a relationship with Him right now?  All you have to do is say, "Jesus, come into my heart.  I make you my Lord and Savior."  That's it.  If you said that prayer and believed it, something just happened inside you.  You got born again and that Perfect Love now lives inside you.

If you prayed that prayer, would you please let me know.  Also, please find a good Bible based church so you can start to learn more about the Love that has been put into your heart.

That's another Opinion of the Minion.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Love is Not Rude

Today's we are going to talk about another aspect of Love.  Today's topic is rudeness.  Before we get into this, I want to you notice that again, this is not a feeling.  Love is not concerned with whether or not you feel rude.  That doesn't even sound right.  Love doesn't act rudely.  This should be a fairly simple one as we all have been around people who are rude.

I can't tell you that I am around very many people who I would consider just openly rude.  I don't have any friends that would call someone something ugly to their face. And honestly, I wouldn't either.  But let's think about rudeness for just a minute.  Did you know that as we are studying love, no where in the Bible does it say that the person who we are rude to has to know about it to make it unloving.

Ladies, have you ever noticed some other girl who looked like maybe you wished you did and said something to your girlfriend about how she was dresses.  The reality is she's probably dressed fine but you are a little jealous because maybe you can't dress that way?  Guys, have you ever seen a guy driving a nicer car than you and said something rude about the guy just because you are jealous that you can't drive what he drives (I confess I have done this one.).  Well guess what?  That's rude.  Whether or not the other person heard you, doesn't matter.

Now I can hear someone saying, "Well if they didn't hear it, what does it hurt?"  That's easy.  It hurts your faith.  How?  Well, doesn't the Bible say that faith works by love? (Galatians 5:6)  If we aren't walking in love, it will hinder our faith.  Before I go farther, I don't want anyone to stand in condemnation and you need to know that God is a graceful, merciful God.  I know this because there are several places where I have acted unlovingly and God is blessing us tremendously.

But here's the thing - I don't want ordinary faith.  I was in a Starbuck's several months ago and there was a girl in a wheelchair.  I wanted to pray for her and see her healed and out of that chair.  When I thought about it, I heard the Lord say, "If you pray for it, I will back it."  I know it was the Lord's voice!  Guess what I did!  Nothing!  I left that girl in that wheelchair and left the store without speaking to her.  Why?  My faith wasn't strong enough.  I want my faith to be stronger and stronger every day.  I've had a vision for a long time of us walking into hospitals and emptying them because God healed every person in them.

That type of dream doesn't come to reality with weak faith.  That's why I am working to get rude behavior out of my life.

That's another Opinion of the Minion.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Love Does Not Dishonor Others

Hello Everyone,

OK everyone.  Before we get into today's topic, I want to tell you what I've seen in the last week.  I thought I was pretty good about not bragging on myself and yet I caught myself doing it three times that I remember in the last seven days!  The latest time was just this morning to a friend of mine and I was bragging about this blog!  That's completely ridiculous because I strive to write what the Lord tells me and so I can't take credit for any of this.  I have been before the Lord and asked for forgiveness.  So let me encourage you to watch what you are doing this week and see if there are any areas were you can improve.

So let's get on to today's love topic which is love does not dishonor others.  So what does this mean?  Dishonor is means to bring on shame or disgrace. Now this an interesting topic to me because there is a big difference between bringing shame on a person and telling someone about an inappropriate action.  As a parent, it's my job to train my children so when I tell them about something they have done wrong, I am not trying to bring dishonor on them.  I'm trying to keep them from getting hurt.

That's exactly what God does with us.  We know He is Love so everything He does is based in Love.  When He tells you not to do something, He's trying to keep you from getting hurt.  For instance, when He says that we should not steal, it's because He knows the effect it will have on us both in this world and in the spiritual realm.  But let me be very clear on something - He IS NOT shaming us as a person.  He's trying to correct our actions.  He knows that these actions will get us hurt and He loves us too much to see us get hurt if He can correct us.

What does that tell me?  In order to determine if you are walking in love in this area, examine your heart and check your actions.  Notice again that this definition of Love is an action word.  It's still not a feeling.  When we have to correct someone, are we being clear that we love them and they are valuable?  Are we being clear that they are extremely valuable?  If so, then correction is coming the right way.  If not, then we have to change the way we correct someone.

The other point I want to discuss is something a little more obvious.  When we talk about people are we bringing dishonor on them?  Even if they never hear us, it doesn't change that what we said or do is not walking in Love.  If you are an American and a Christian, are you saying bad things about our current president?  Did you say bad things about our last president?  I am not telling you that you should support what they do or what they believe.  It's OK to disagree with that but if you are saying bad things about their character, then you are not walking in love.

The worst thing about this type of problem is when we are not walking in Love, it stops faith from working in our lives because the Bible says, faith works by Love.  So when we speak badly about someone who isn't around, we aren't really hurting them because they may never even know it.  Unfortunately, we are hampering our faith in our own lives.  It's time we all start walking in Love more and allowing our faith to produce the great results in our lives that we all desire.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Love Does Not Boast

Hi Everyone,

Today's topic is boasting.  When I looked this word up in the dictionary, one of the definitions was to brag about yourself or to brag about your stuff to others (that's the Minion translation).  It's interesting because it is very similar to pride but we will talk about pride in the next post.  Again, I want you to notice that bragging is an action, not a feeling.  We don't feel bragging, we say something that is bragging.  So what does this mean?

We all know the one upper.  In fact, sometimes we have been the one upper.  You know the person.  If you tell as story, they have a bigger one.  If something good happened to you, something better happened to them.  So we shouldn't brag about things in our life right?  Well if that's the case, then we should never tell anyone when something good happens to us or when we do something great right?  Wrong!  I want to stop and say that just because you tell someone about something you have or did, does not make it bragging.  When you tell a story to puff yourself up, that's bragging.

Let's look at God for a minute.  If God is love and love doesn't brag, then what happens all the times in the Bible where God talks about who he is and what he's done?  Is he bragging?  Certainly not.  When we brag, we normally do it to impress people and I don't think the Creator of the universe needs to impress His creation.  So what is He doing?  He's trying to build our faith.  When God tells you something about Himself, it's not because He's trying to brag.  He wants you to know that He's able to provide all things so that when you have lack, you can trust in and rely on Him.  He wants you to know that He can heal people so that when you are sick, you will go to Him for healing.  He wants you to know that He created everything so that when you need anything, you can go to Him.

So here's what I have learned today.  There's a difference between bragging and telling someone about something that's happened to you.  That difference is motive.  When you brag, you want people to look at you and how great you are.  When you tell someone about something great that you did or happened to you and you do it to encourage them, then it's called ministry not bragging.

Let me finish by asking you this question.  Do you find yourself ministering or bragging when you tell people what's happening with you?  I know there are places in my own life where I can do this better.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Monday, June 19, 2017

Love Doesn't Envy

Hello Everyone,

Today we are going to think about something love doesn't do.  As I said earlier, love is an action verb.  The feeling of being in love is great but it's not the core of Love (God).

For this particular aspect of Love, it's interesting because it's something Love doesn't do.  Love doesn't envy someone else or something else they have.  This should be another easy one right?  Well in one sense that's true.  But let me encourage you to check yourself on this and see if there are any hidden areas of envy in your life.  I know I have found them in mine.

Let me give you a couple of examples.  I go to a gym and work out every day during the week.  I run in the morning before work and I lift weights with a little more cardio at lunch.  I'm in decent shape for 46 years old but the truth is I'm not as fast as I used to run and I'm 30 pounds overweight at the moment.  So what happens in the gym?  I can walk in and see someone working out who is in better shape than me.  Every once in a while, the devil will put a thought in my mind that says there is something I don't like about that person.  I don't like the way the act or how much they talk.  I don't like the way the hog up all the machines.  I don't like how long it takes them to get a set done and get out of my way.  Well here is what the Lord showed me about that one day.  What someone was doing or not wasn't the cause of my irritation.  What irritated me is that they were in better shape than me.  My envying of a person didn't come across as envy.  It came across as something else.

Let me tell on myself again.  I could be driving down the road and see someone speed past me or cut me off in traffic by getting into my lane and get upset with them.  This happened more times than not if the person was driving a really nice car.  I might even say under my breath something about how they think they are special or privileged, etc., because they were speeding or something else (which I have done myself on more than one occasion).  That seems logical right?  They should slow down and should be more careful in traffic.  But the truth behind what made me mad was they were driving a car and I was jealous of them because it looked like they had more money than me.

So what's the big deal with being jealous right?  After all, while I am not being loving toward either of those people, I am certainly not hurting them and neither of them knew I even had a thought?  Well, even if you don't say something hurtful to someone, this is still very damaging - TO ME.  Why?  Well, it blocks the flow of love out of my life and into someone else.  While that's bad enough, it also caused me to be unsatisfied with what I had.  Think about it.  Instead of enjoying the fact that I am in good health and the Lord has blessed us tremendously financially and every other way, I was unsatisfied and couldn't enjoy what I had.

So let me ask you this.  Are there any areas in your life where you might be secretly envious of someone else?  If so, I encourage you to get rid of it.  Envying is really dangerous to your health.

That's another Opinion of the Minion