Friday, March 30, 2018


Hello Everyone,

Have you ever wondered why Jesus came to Earth in the first place?  If you had asked me that question a year or two ago, I would have said to defeat the devil.  That’s what He came to do but that’s not why He came.  He came to pay a ransom and get His family back.  The devil held His family hostage and under bondage for years.  I asked the Lord about this one time and He told me that He wanted to come.  Right before the cross, He wanted God to provide a different way but He was longing for all His brothers and sisters.  That means he paid the price for you.  He did it to make a way for you to be in his wonderful perfect family. 

When you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you are immediately put into The family.  There is consideration of any of your past sins.  Jesus paid the ransom for all of those.  Guess what, there is no consideration for any of your future sins.  Jesus paid the ransom for all of those too.  I know some people may struggle with that and think that being a Christian means being perfect.  Let me set you free – You aren’t perfect and you won’t be until Jesus return.  Jesus knows this.  He’s not waiting with God to hit you with a lightning bolt if you mess up in the future.  He didn’t hit you if you messed up in the past. 

Why did you go through struggles?  Just like there is a real Jesus, a real God and a real Holy Spirit, there is a very real devil and he’s looking for ways to steal from you, kill you and destroy you.  Should you be afraid?  Absolutely not!!  Do you think the devil could overcome Jesus now?  He couldn’t do it before Easter.  Jesus said I am freely giving my life and He could have called more angels than the devil has to take Him off the cross if He wanted to.  Jesus could have defeated the devil for Himself personally before the cross.  After the cross, Jesus said ALL power has been given unto me.

“So if Jesus has the power, what does that have to do with me,” you might ask?  Well I’m glad you did.  Here is where it impacts us.  Jesus’ came from God, His father.  The last recorded time that Satan directly tangled with God, God hit him so hard the devil was travelling at the speed of light when he hit the earth.  That’s more than 186,000 miles per second!  That was some punch.  What does that have to do with us?  When you accept Jesus into your heart, the Bible says that Jesus and God come to live inside you.  That means you have all the power you need inside you right now to stop every attack of the devil.  That’s what happened on the first Easter.

If you are not sure about where you stand with God, just repeat this prayer with me.  Say, Jesus, please come into my heart.  I make you my Lord and Savior.”  That’s it!  You did it!  You are now part of the family.  If you said that prayer, would you please let me know.

That’s another Opinion of the Minion

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