Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Mom vs. Goliath

Today I want to tell you how thankful I am for the drug problem I had as a child.  No, it wasn't the kind of drugs you are thinking about.  My mom drug me to church every week.

The church building isn't there anymore.  It was knocked down by a tornado that hit downtown Fort Worth several years ago and I really miss that church building.  Now don't get me wrong, Jesus isn't in a building and the church is so much more that a building.  The church is the people who go to and from the building every week.  See when people see us they should see Christ in us not in a building.  But that building was a very special one to me.

I have said this publicly but I will say it again, Thank you mom for dragging me kicking, screaming and sometimes cussing to church with you every week.  If it wasn't for that, I would hate to think about where I would be today.

So let me tell you a little more about this drug problem.  When I was around 5 years old, we started attending Calvary Cathedral in downtown Fort Worth.  The church started out as a Baptist church that Pastor Bob Nichols bought.  At the age of 5, church was fine but as I got a little older it really cramped my style.  Because of where we lived and just our normal schedule, I did not make many friends at the church when I was young.  (I think I would have made several good friends if I was more friendly myself but that's beside the point.)

The other problem was something I considered much more critical.  Now you have to understand that this was before the days of VCRs and DVRs so I couldn't record anything from TV.  Why is this important you ask?  Because the Dallas Cowboys played at noon and I was a big fan back then.  I hated that I had to go to church and miss part of the game.  By the time we got out of church, the 1st Quarter was always over and I didn't like that.  As I got to high school, I would stay out late and be tired and thus again I didn't want to go to church.  I cussed my mother out more than once (No, not to her face.  I wasn't that stupid) for dragging me to that church.  I even decided that I wouldn't stay in the services while I was there.  Now the church building was pretty big and it had two stories so I decided to hide in the rooms upstairs until the service was over.  This worked out pretty well for several months until the mom of one of my few friends followed me up to my "secret" room.

Needless to say, my mom found out and I got drug out of the room and back down to the service.  I can tell you she was a very unhappy camper when she found us that day.  Now my mom is a little lady but she sure looked like a giant that day.  If David had seen her instead of Goliath he might have reconsidered.  If Goliath had seen her he would have ran instead of running his mouth.  So back down to the service we went.  After a certain amount of time, I finally decided I would outsmart her again.  I didn't want to be there and while she could drag me there as long as I lived under her roof, she couldn't make me listen to a word Pastor Bob was saying.  If anyone from Calvary reads this, let me say how thankful I am for a true man of God like Bob Nichols.  I have nothing but the highest respect and admiration for him. 

So if you were looking out from the pulpit, I was sitting in the very back row on the far right hand side of the sanctuary.  Now our sanctuary was round so the isle we sat on had only three seats.  If you took one of them you did so at your own peril because my brother and I owned them.  There was a strategic reason that I picked these seats.  You could not see my facial expression from the pulpit, there was no one directly behind me, you would have to turn around to look at me if you were in front of me and lastly, if I put my bible on the arm rest of the chair, put my elbow on the bible, and leaned my face on my hand, my head would stay upright and you couldn't see my eyes if you sat to my right.

Why was this important?  Because it allowed me to sleep through every service without getting caught.  Or at least no one woke me up if they knew I was asleep (I am sure that people knew because I snored like a chain saw at a logger's championship).  So I slept back there and my mom kept dragging us to church.  But there was something that really bothered me.  At the end of every service, Pastor Bob would start his closing prayer by saying, "Father, we've heard the word of God today...."  Only I hadn't heard the word so I wouldn't pray that part of the prayer because it would be a lie.  So one day, I decided to stay awake and listen to what he said.  This went on for several more years and Pastor Bob taught me a lot.  Thanks to a mother who wouldn't stop bringing her son to church.

But here's the interesting part.  There were many things that I wanted to do with my time back then.  Church wasn't in the top 100.  I wanted to play outside, hang out with my friends, watch football, etc.  But when the major crises came in my life, when I needed help with my weight, when I was going through my divorce, at every point where I struggled, I never once cried out to the Dallas Cowboys, to my friends or to any other thing that would have taken my time.  I cried out to the One that I learned about all those times mother drug me to church.  I cried out to God.  Never once quoted a Cowboy rushing stat when I needed financial help.  I qouted the word of God and God saw me through my difficulty.  I never once found comfort in any church substitute.  I found comfort by going back to the place where my mother drug me week in and week out all those years.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day

I have been waiting for the opportunity to write on this topic and I can't think of a better place than today.  Today I am thankful for all the men and women who have served and are serving this country in our armed forces.  Today is Veteran's Day and I want to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Let me say thank you to several people I know personally for their service:

John Oswald, United States Navy
Mike Henderson, United States Air Force
Arthur "Billy" Henderson, United States Navy
Billy Lankford, United States Army
Glen Stetler, United States Marine Corps
Joe Clubb, United States Marine Corps
Ernie Gaudette, United States Army
Jason Compton, United States Marine Corps
"Buddy" Gilmore, United States Marine Corps

And to those who still serve this country like

Joseph Campbell, United States Army
Shay Stetler, United States Marine Corps
Laura Bozeman, United States Army

Lastly while it isn't Memorial Day, I cannot help but think of Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  As I sit here drinking my Earl Grey tea at Starbucks and writing the Opinion of the Minion, I know this would not be possible without the sacrifices of people like:

Blake Russell, United States Army
Tristan Aiken, United States Army

I apologize to all the men and women I know who I did not specifically mention in this post.  I hope you all know that I have the utmost respect for you and want to say thank you all for your service.

As I sit reflecting on our Veterans, I think of the conflicts that have come during my lifetime.  There was Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq, and Afghanistan plus several others.  As I think about the men and women who went and continue to go to these places thousands of miles away from their families, I can't help but wonder why they did it and do it.  Is it for money?  Heavens no.  Many of them cannot pay their bills.  Is it for glory?  I don't think so because there is nothing glorious about watching your buddy being hurt.  Is it because we will pay for them to go to college after their service?  The vast majority of our fighting men and women never go to college afterwards.  So why is it?

I think most of the time its because they have an overriding sense of patriotism.  These men and women still believe that this country is the greatest country on earth.  They still believe that this is "One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  Is this country flawed?  Yes.  But these men and women still believe in the fabric of America.  They still want to make sure their husbands, wives, sons and daughters have a place to grow where the flag still stands for freedom.  So instead of going to law school and med school or going to Wall Street to make their millions, they take an oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Instead of a suit or medical scrubs, they put on their Battle Dress Uniforms and go to work every day.  As they stand watch for us there is no holiday.  Instead of taking their families to the movies, they leave their families behind and go to protect our way of life.  I cannot think of words that would adequately say thank you for your service.  Freedom is never free.  Jesus paid for our freedom from sin with the blood from his veins.  When I think about the freedom I have to write these opinions and live my life, I know that my freedom didn't come free.  It wasn't even cheap, it was extremely expensive and I greatly value it.  There have been millions over the years who have paid for it and there many men and women who stand ready right now to protect my ability to write this.

Whether or not you agree with any of the wars that we have been in recently, know this.  A politician thousands of miles from a battlefield ordered these men and women into combat.  If you don't agree with the decision of those politicians, feel free to protest.  Know this - there are men and women today who are standing guard to make sure you have that ability.  If you see one of them, please take the time to say thank you.

To all of you who have served or serve today in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, please accept a very humble thank you from one grateful citizen.  These words are not nearly enough to express my gratitude.

This is the Opinion of the Minion