Today I want to talk about courage. We all know that our military men and women are very courageous and that they have and will lay down their lives in the face of danger. Policemen and firemen would do the same. We have stories about people giving their lives for others which is a very courageous thing to do. As a matter of fact, Jesus did this very thing for us a long time ago. But today I want to talk about having courage to live life and face problems.
This is a whole different type of courage. As we enter the Christmas season it is very easy for some people to withdraw emotionally and feel dis-couraged based on their circumstances. I know that for many years, I didn't have enough money to do the things I wanted for my family at Christmas and it would make me depressed. I didn't want to go to Christmas parties or watch Christmas movies. I viewed everything surrounding Christmas as a chore. Christmas cards went out and gifts were given - the job got done but that wasn't really living. Do you know what courage is? Courage is being in a situation that you don't really like and deciding to make the best of it regardless of whether it feels good or not. Courage is staring at the things in your life that you don't like about yourself or your situation and not letting it stop you from living and enjoying life.
But for years I was unable to face my weight problems or my financial problems. I was just too afraid to admit that I had them. Why? Because then my life wouldn't be so perfect. And my life was perfect. it was perfectly wooden. I was living dead because I didn't have the courage to face my short comings.
Have you ever faced depression? It takes real courage to recognize it and decide that you are going to do something about it. See depression is a very serious problem and if your not careful it can kill you. So what do you call someone who has faced that monster and overcome it? Courageous.
I knew of a situation where someone was depressed to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Now the story goes that this person was a young person. While it's not uncommon, what seemed strange to me about this story was that the person had low self esteem when that person easily could have been just the opposite. This person was very attractive, smart, caring, funny, had a magnetic personality and extremely gifted but also battling depression. One thing that caught my attention specifically about this story was that the person in it was strong enough to admit there was a problem and ask for help despite all the fear many fears of doing it. That person is my hero! I only hope that I will have that kind of courage when I need it.
That's another Opinion of the Minion
This is a whole different type of courage. As we enter the Christmas season it is very easy for some people to withdraw emotionally and feel dis-couraged based on their circumstances. I know that for many years, I didn't have enough money to do the things I wanted for my family at Christmas and it would make me depressed. I didn't want to go to Christmas parties or watch Christmas movies. I viewed everything surrounding Christmas as a chore. Christmas cards went out and gifts were given - the job got done but that wasn't really living. Do you know what courage is? Courage is being in a situation that you don't really like and deciding to make the best of it regardless of whether it feels good or not. Courage is staring at the things in your life that you don't like about yourself or your situation and not letting it stop you from living and enjoying life.
But for years I was unable to face my weight problems or my financial problems. I was just too afraid to admit that I had them. Why? Because then my life wouldn't be so perfect. And my life was perfect. it was perfectly wooden. I was living dead because I didn't have the courage to face my short comings.
Have you ever faced depression? It takes real courage to recognize it and decide that you are going to do something about it. See depression is a very serious problem and if your not careful it can kill you. So what do you call someone who has faced that monster and overcome it? Courageous.
I knew of a situation where someone was depressed to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Now the story goes that this person was a young person. While it's not uncommon, what seemed strange to me about this story was that the person had low self esteem when that person easily could have been just the opposite. This person was very attractive, smart, caring, funny, had a magnetic personality and extremely gifted but also battling depression. One thing that caught my attention specifically about this story was that the person in it was strong enough to admit there was a problem and ask for help despite all the fear many fears of doing it. That person is my hero! I only hope that I will have that kind of courage when I need it.
That's another Opinion of the Minion