Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Making Mistakes

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to talk about an important subject - making mistakes.  We have all done it right?  For most of us when we make a mistake (if it's a big one) we feel pretty bad about it - especially when it hurts someone else.  Have you ever said something to someone that really hurt their feelings?  Even if you were provoked and they had it coming, it doesn't necessarily feel good after you do it right?

I know that I have laid in bed at night sometimes and couldn't sleep rethinking about some mistake I made and wishing I had done something differently.  Have you ever been in financial trouble or maybe your making a bad grade in school.  I know that as an adult I have had financial trouble before.  I sit and think things like what if I hadn't spent that money or what if I had saved that money.  I shouldn't have bought that TV or I shouldn't have gone on vacation.  Here's the interesting part though.  No matter how many hours and hours I thought about how I should have done things differently, the problem was still there.  I realized that I could not go back and unspend money.

The real question is what do I do now.  He might not have said this first but the words of Bob Nichols, the pastor of a great church here in Fort Worth, "If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging!"  If you are doing something that is causing you problems, quit doing it.  If you are in debt, quit spending money on stuff you don't need.  If you are making bad grades in school, quit waiting for your grades to go up on their own.  Start studying.

I heard a story about a mule that fell into a well.  He found himself in a deep hole.  The mule was very old and the well was dry.  The owner of the mule decided that he would just bury the mule and be done with it.  He got a shovel and a couple of his friends and they started filling in the well with dirt to cover up the mule.  After a little while, the owner looked over the lip of the well as his friends were still throwing dirt in the well.  To his amazement, the mule wasn't covered up.  Each time his friends threw a load of dirt on the mule's back, he would shake it off and then step up on it.  The mule was raised higher and higher until eventually he walked out of the well.

Friends, if you find yourself in a place where you've made mistakes and wish things were different, don't spend time worrying or feeling guilty about your past mistakes.  You can't change them. What you can change is your future. Stop feeling guilty about the past and through Jesus, start feeling great about your future.  God has a good plan for your life.

That's another Opinion of the Minion

Sunday, January 4, 2015

You Gotta Be You

Hello Everyone,

It's been on my heart to start writing again so here goes.  Today I want to talk about being true to yourself.  Have you ever been in a place were someone says or does something that you don't agree with?  Maybe you see someone at school bullying someone or saying something bad about someone.  I have found myself listening to people with views that differ from what I truly believe.  I've tried to reconcile some of those opinions and beliefs and tried to "go along" with them in my spirit but it never felt right.

Here's the thing.  I never felt peace until I finally decided that no matter who I am around or what they say, I'm going to be true to what I believe.  I'm going to stand up for what I believe is right regardless of whether it's popular or not.  It may seem cool if you are part of the in crowd at school and they want to make fun of someone but it's not.  It may seem cool to talk about someone behind their back but it's not.  It may seem cool to agree with the "new age" standards that many people in the world want to set but it's not.

What standards am I talking about?  Well that's a question that I will leave to you.  I will tell you this.  If you really don't know how you feel about any particular issue, pick up your Bible and get God's opinion on the subject.  While it may not be the most popular, it will definitely be the right one.

Before I finish, I want to say that it's not always OK to run around spouting your opinion to anyone and everyone.  If you feel inclined to tell every person you meet what you feel or your opinion, that isn't right either.  If someone has a different opinion that you, it's OK.  What's not OK is for you to change your opinion on any subject just to try to fit in with the crowd.

While it's a little short and sweet, that's the Opinion of the Minion.