Today this keeps running around in my head. Now earlier this week it was for me but I sense it's for someone else today. I posted this on the Minion Facebook page and on my personal Facebook page at different times this week. It's the lyrics to a song called "Through the Fire" and it's performed by a group called The Crabb Family.
The lyrics that keep impacting me are these - "He never promised that the cross would not get heavy or the hill would not get hard to climb. He never offered our victory without our fighting but He said help would always come in time. Just remember when your standing in the Valley of Decision and the adversary says give in, just hold on. My God will show up and He will take you through the fire again." Those words are so true and they have impacted me greatly several times in my life. This past week I went through a bit of a fire of my own making. I'm thankful for friends and a wonderful woman who helped me see it for what it was. I also gave myself permission to not be perfect this week. Thank God for His grace.
Now I want you to think about something for a minute. Put yourself in a room that is on fire. You are standing in the middle of the room and everywhere you turn there is fire. You can't see windows through the smoke and the flames. What are you thinking about at this moment. Chances are you see and think nothing but smoke and flames. You're in a bad spot and there doesn't seem any way out of it. What do you do? There is no way to put out the flames so you will either go through or get burned.
Obviously this exact situation doesn't happen to many of us. But what about when you are up against a school project that's due tomorrow? Or maybe you are in a relationship that doesn't work right. Maybe your financial picture is all messed up and you don't see any way out. The list of possible bad situations could go on and on but I hope you see my point. Regardless of what you are facing, I want you to know that God never promised you wouldn't face trouble. The only way that happens is after you go to Heaven. Before that event, you will see trials and tests.
What I want you to understand is that there isn't a situation that can possibly go on in your life that God can't handle. Now here's where I get in the most trouble. I have a tendency to meditate the problem for hours. The thought of meditating God's promise over the situation can escape me at times. Have you ever been like that? I have been in situations recently that weren't near as big as I thought they were but because I focused solely on the problem it grew out of proportion. On top of that, I never trusted God with the issue.
But when I finally woke up and took the issue I faced to God, He was right there waiting for me. Guess what I didn't have to move at all to get to Him. All I had to do was turn around and He was right there. The Bible says He will never leave you nor forsake you.
So if you are going through tough times stop and trust God. He never said life would be easy but He did say He would bring you through all the trials if you trust Him.
That's Another Opinion of the Minion
The lyrics that keep impacting me are these - "He never promised that the cross would not get heavy or the hill would not get hard to climb. He never offered our victory without our fighting but He said help would always come in time. Just remember when your standing in the Valley of Decision and the adversary says give in, just hold on. My God will show up and He will take you through the fire again." Those words are so true and they have impacted me greatly several times in my life. This past week I went through a bit of a fire of my own making. I'm thankful for friends and a wonderful woman who helped me see it for what it was. I also gave myself permission to not be perfect this week. Thank God for His grace.
Now I want you to think about something for a minute. Put yourself in a room that is on fire. You are standing in the middle of the room and everywhere you turn there is fire. You can't see windows through the smoke and the flames. What are you thinking about at this moment. Chances are you see and think nothing but smoke and flames. You're in a bad spot and there doesn't seem any way out of it. What do you do? There is no way to put out the flames so you will either go through or get burned.
Obviously this exact situation doesn't happen to many of us. But what about when you are up against a school project that's due tomorrow? Or maybe you are in a relationship that doesn't work right. Maybe your financial picture is all messed up and you don't see any way out. The list of possible bad situations could go on and on but I hope you see my point. Regardless of what you are facing, I want you to know that God never promised you wouldn't face trouble. The only way that happens is after you go to Heaven. Before that event, you will see trials and tests.
What I want you to understand is that there isn't a situation that can possibly go on in your life that God can't handle. Now here's where I get in the most trouble. I have a tendency to meditate the problem for hours. The thought of meditating God's promise over the situation can escape me at times. Have you ever been like that? I have been in situations recently that weren't near as big as I thought they were but because I focused solely on the problem it grew out of proportion. On top of that, I never trusted God with the issue.
But when I finally woke up and took the issue I faced to God, He was right there waiting for me. Guess what I didn't have to move at all to get to Him. All I had to do was turn around and He was right there. The Bible says He will never leave you nor forsake you.
So if you are going through tough times stop and trust God. He never said life would be easy but He did say He would bring you through all the trials if you trust Him.
That's Another Opinion of the Minion
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