Hello Everyone,
Today we are going to think about something love doesn't do. As I said earlier, love is an action verb. The feeling of being in love is great but it's not the core of Love (God).
For this particular aspect of Love, it's interesting because it's something Love doesn't do. Love doesn't envy someone else or something else they have. This should be another easy one right? Well in one sense that's true. But let me encourage you to check yourself on this and see if there are any hidden areas of envy in your life. I know I have found them in mine.
Let me give you a couple of examples. I go to a gym and work out every day during the week. I run in the morning before work and I lift weights with a little more cardio at lunch. I'm in decent shape for 46 years old but the truth is I'm not as fast as I used to run and I'm 30 pounds overweight at the moment. So what happens in the gym? I can walk in and see someone working out who is in better shape than me. Every once in a while, the devil will put a thought in my mind that says there is something I don't like about that person. I don't like the way the act or how much they talk. I don't like the way the hog up all the machines. I don't like how long it takes them to get a set done and get out of my way. Well here is what the Lord showed me about that one day. What someone was doing or not wasn't the cause of my irritation. What irritated me is that they were in better shape than me. My envying of a person didn't come across as envy. It came across as something else.
Let me tell on myself again. I could be driving down the road and see someone speed past me or cut me off in traffic by getting into my lane and get upset with them. This happened more times than not if the person was driving a really nice car. I might even say under my breath something about how they think they are special or privileged, etc., because they were speeding or something else (which I have done myself on more than one occasion). That seems logical right? They should slow down and should be more careful in traffic. But the truth behind what made me mad was they were driving a car and I was jealous of them because it looked like they had more money than me.
So what's the big deal with being jealous right? After all, while I am not being loving toward either of those people, I am certainly not hurting them and neither of them knew I even had a thought? Well, even if you don't say something hurtful to someone, this is still very damaging - TO ME. Why? Well, it blocks the flow of love out of my life and into someone else. While that's bad enough, it also caused me to be unsatisfied with what I had. Think about it. Instead of enjoying the fact that I am in good health and the Lord has blessed us tremendously financially and every other way, I was unsatisfied and couldn't enjoy what I had.
So let me ask you this. Are there any areas in your life where you might be secretly envious of someone else? If so, I encourage you to get rid of it. Envying is really dangerous to your health.
That's another Opinion of the Minion
Today we are going to think about something love doesn't do. As I said earlier, love is an action verb. The feeling of being in love is great but it's not the core of Love (God).
For this particular aspect of Love, it's interesting because it's something Love doesn't do. Love doesn't envy someone else or something else they have. This should be another easy one right? Well in one sense that's true. But let me encourage you to check yourself on this and see if there are any hidden areas of envy in your life. I know I have found them in mine.
Let me give you a couple of examples. I go to a gym and work out every day during the week. I run in the morning before work and I lift weights with a little more cardio at lunch. I'm in decent shape for 46 years old but the truth is I'm not as fast as I used to run and I'm 30 pounds overweight at the moment. So what happens in the gym? I can walk in and see someone working out who is in better shape than me. Every once in a while, the devil will put a thought in my mind that says there is something I don't like about that person. I don't like the way the act or how much they talk. I don't like the way the hog up all the machines. I don't like how long it takes them to get a set done and get out of my way. Well here is what the Lord showed me about that one day. What someone was doing or not wasn't the cause of my irritation. What irritated me is that they were in better shape than me. My envying of a person didn't come across as envy. It came across as something else.
Let me tell on myself again. I could be driving down the road and see someone speed past me or cut me off in traffic by getting into my lane and get upset with them. This happened more times than not if the person was driving a really nice car. I might even say under my breath something about how they think they are special or privileged, etc., because they were speeding or something else (which I have done myself on more than one occasion). That seems logical right? They should slow down and should be more careful in traffic. But the truth behind what made me mad was they were driving a car and I was jealous of them because it looked like they had more money than me.
So what's the big deal with being jealous right? After all, while I am not being loving toward either of those people, I am certainly not hurting them and neither of them knew I even had a thought? Well, even if you don't say something hurtful to someone, this is still very damaging - TO ME. Why? Well, it blocks the flow of love out of my life and into someone else. While that's bad enough, it also caused me to be unsatisfied with what I had. Think about it. Instead of enjoying the fact that I am in good health and the Lord has blessed us tremendously financially and every other way, I was unsatisfied and couldn't enjoy what I had.
So let me ask you this. Are there any areas in your life where you might be secretly envious of someone else? If so, I encourage you to get rid of it. Envying is really dangerous to your health.
That's another Opinion of the Minion
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