I want to talk to you today about a subject that can be really confusing. What does it mean when someone says one thing and does something else? I have always been a firm believer that actions speak much louder than words. Have you ever been around someone who told you that they liked you and then did something mean to you? That person's actions certainly tell a different story than the words they gave you.
Maybe more importantly, have you ever let your actions speak louder than your words in a bad way or in a good way?
Let me illustrate what I mean by talking about my granddad. SR was one of the greatest men, I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I have never met a more caring man with a softer heart than him. My granddad didn't preach at you about what was right or wrong, he just lived in front of you everyday doing the right thing. He was always there when you needed him and never was critical of what you did. He was always ready to lend a helping hand.
I really didn't know this about him growing up but he read his bible a lot. He never ever preached at me with words but he was always preaching at me with actions. He was the kind of man who was there for you when you needed him. Have you ever been around someone who says, "Call me if you need me"? Yet when you actually call because you need them, they come up with some excuse why they can't help. They say they are there for you but their actions speak much louder than their words? Well I my granddad was the opposite. I don't ever remember him saying to call if I needed him but he always came when I did.
Granddad loved to play with us when we were growing up. One of my fondest memories was the time we built a wooden tool box for me. I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 when we did and I still have it today. I wasn't supposed to paint it until he and I could do it together because he was going to show me how to do it right. But I got too impatient and did it on my own. I painted it candy apple red and put wooden signs on it. Looking back now, I realized that his actions were speaking much louder than words and his actions in my life had a much larger impact than anything I ever remember him telling me.
Many of you who are Minion fans on Facebook are young girls so I want to take a minute to talk to you about when actions and words aren't the same. Girls, if you don't have a boyfriend yet, you will soon enough (this applies to guys as well). Often, guys will tell you anything they want you to hear just to get something from you (I am going to keep this PG rated but I bet some of you can think of other stuff). The boys say nice things about you or show you attention and they aren't really concerned about you, they are concerned about getting whatever they want.
As you get a little older, people start throwing around the big L word. Let me tell you something, just because a guy or a girl tells you that they love you, doesn't mean that they do. If you are around a guy who constantly tries to control you, who isn't interested in the great things in your box, who only wants to have his needs taken care of but tells you all the time that he loves you. Guess what? HE DOESN'T. His actions are speaking much louder. One of the most basic needs that people have is to love and be loved. There is nothing wrong with this. There is everything right with it. It is the way God created us. But that word can be used to control and manipulate you to doing something you don't want to do because you want him or her to love you when they really don't. On that subject, if you want to know whether or not a guy or girl loves you, look at what they do much more than words. Love is giving, it doesn't think of itself first, it is kind, it genuinely cares about others.
Look around your life. When someone tries to steer you away from doing the things that you like to do, that isn't love. If he or she really loves you, they will want you to pursue the things that interest you and not simply pursue the things that interest them. When I say that love gives, let me be clear. Giving doesn't just mean stuff. Giving means having him or her give you their time. Girls, if he says he loves you but doesn't take an interest in what you do, question what his definition of love really is.
Remember this respect is something that should be given but trust is something at must be earned.
Also understand I am not talking about one specific time when some one's actions and words don't agree, I am talking about when their actions and words don't agree over a long period of time. Everyone makes mistakes occasionally and if some one does, forgive them. You would want them to forgive you if you made a mistake. But if their actions are constantly different than their words, you've got a problem.
Oh, and here is something I almost forgot - What story does your action tell? Are you the person who always says one thing and does another? Or are you the person who is always there for someone else? Be honest and if you need to make changes in you, then do it. In many ways, I wish I could be more like my granddad. I want to be more caring. I want to help more people. I want to be more sincere, honest, loyal and trustworthy. How about you?
And that's the Opinion of the Minion