Friday, July 12, 2019

What do We Use Our Faith On?

OK now that we know we are supposed to use our faith in God as a tool, what do we use our faith on? Think of it this way. Now that we have a screwdriver, what screws do we turn with it? The answer to this question is we use our faith on anything God says we can use it on. So how do we know if we can or we can’t? We look to the Word of God (the Bible) to tell us what we can do. I am not suggesting that our Faith in God is some sort of multiple wish machine where we can get anything we want because that’s not true.

For example, God said, “You shall not steal.” So, if I try to use my Faith to rob a bank, it won’t work. Why? It’s against God’s will. God doesn’t want us to rob a bank. He want’s us to use our Faith to believe that He will provide for us. There is a long list of things we can use our Faith to bring from God’s spiritual realm into this natural one. For example:

We can believe God for money. Phil 4:19 – “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.” Malachi 3:10 – “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse . . . and I will open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out such a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it.” Let me stop here and say, money is not evil. The Bible says, “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” 1Tim 6:10. You can love money and not have any. So, don’t let the devil trick you into believing that God doesn’t want you to have money. God just doesn’t want money to have you. If you don’t have money, you can’t bless others with it. Would you like to build an orphanage in Africa? You can’t do it without money.

We can believe God for healing. “By Jesus stripes we ARE healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. “By Jesus wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5. Let that settle in your mind forever. It is God’s will for us to be healed. We should never ever pray, “Lord, if it’s your will please heal Johnny.” We know, it is God’s will to heal Johnny. Now someone might ask, “Well, I prayed for Johnny and he didn’t get healed. Why did that happen?” I can’t answer that here because there is a lot that goes into it. But know this, if Johnny doesn’t get healed it is not because God did not want him healed.

We can believe God for peace. Isaiah 53:5 “The chastisement of our peace was upon Him (Jesus).”

Let me just say this about what we can use our Faith to produce. Last week, during my quiet time with the Lord, I heard Him say basically, “Son, you are the only limitation on what I can do. I can do anything you can believe Me to do.”

Anything in the Word of God (the Bible) that God says we can have, we can use our Faith to produce it.

I can already hear someone saying, “Now that I know what Faith is, why I have it and where to use it, how do I use it?” I will discuss this in the next blog.

For now, that’s another Opinion of the Minion.

Why do We Have Faith

Hello everyone,

In my last blog, we discussed what faith is. Now I would like to talk to you about why we have faith. If God gave us this tool, He must have done it for a reason. If you gave me a screwdriver, it would make sense that I use it on a screw. It’s the same way with our faith. Faith in God is a tool that God wants us to use to bring the things He has for us from the spiritual world into our natural world.

While this seems simple, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “Well we are just waiting on God and hoping He will do something.” Then when we don’t see what we were hoping for we either get mad at God or we say something like, ”Well I guess it wasn’t the Lord’s will to heal me. He must have put this sickness on me to teach me something or to bring Him glory.” There are a couple of things wrong with that statement. First of all, God doesn’t have sickness to give anyone. The Bible says that when Jesus touched people they were healed. Where would He get sickness anyway? Is there any sickness in Heaven? The answer is no. The Bible also says that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy. God is a good Father. He is not going to put sickness on us to teach us something.

Have you ever wondered why some people receive a blessing and some don’t? Some might respond to that by saying, “Well, you just never know what God is going to do.” Yes we do. He told us what He would do in His Word. God is also not a gamble. His Word is sure. It works every time.

How does this relate to using Faith as a tool? Good question. When the devil attacks us, God is waiting on us to use our Faith in Him to stop that attack. When we don’t have enough money, God is waiting on us to use our Faith in Malachi 3:10 to believe that when we tithe, He will pour out such a blessing that there is not room enough to receive it. That’s why He gave us Faith. There are many times in the New Testament when Jesus told someone, “Go your way. YOUR faith has made you whole.” Notice, it wasn’t Jesus faith, it was the person asking for healing’s faith.

Think of it this way. If we don’t use our Faith, it’s like we are starving and sitting at a table with our favorite meal on it. Instead of picking up something to eat and extinguishing the hunger in our body, we stand around and pray, “Lord, please feed me. Lord, I’m so hungry. Lord, I’m hungry but I know if it’s your will for me to starve, I’m starving for your glory.” The whole time, the Lord is saying – “EAT. I’ve put the food right in front of you. All you have to do is use your hand to pick it up and eat it.” That’s what we do with our Faith many times. God has given us this wonderful gift and we don’t use it.

That’s something the Devil doesn’t want us to know. He wants us to sit around questioning God and wondering why bad stuff is happening to us. Because he knows that if we ever discover how to use our Faith in God, there is nothing the devil can do to stop us.

That’s another Opinion of the Minion