Ok, I have touched on this subject in different posts but I want to illustrate it again because it's a lesson I am continually being re-taught. Today I want to talk to you about waiting. This can be a very hard thing to do and it is especially hard at times for me.
Ladies let me help you understand something about men. When we are presented with a problem, our first thought is fix the problem. I know that many times ladies want to discuss the problem just to get their feelings out.
Men, this is a good thing and we cannot change them. We will make them much happier if we learn to listen to them when they are expressing themselves. Many times when a woman is telling us about a problem, she is just wants to express her emotions. This is a good thing and we as men, need to be more in touch with the emotions that are inside us. When a woman tells you about something that is bothering her, don't try to fix it unless she asks you to. The more you learn to empathize with her, the better your relationship will be.
However ladies, you need to understand the way we operate. God wired us to solve problems so if you present us with a problem that you just want to talk about, you can help us help you but letting us know up front that's what you want. For either sex, if we expect our partner to read our mind, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Why do you think God gave us mouths? He intended for us to speak.
So judging by this you would think that I had an issue with the amazing woman that I am dating right? Well, you would be wrong. We communicate very well. The issue I had was an internal one that I had to discuss with God. Now this particular issue that I was working through was really not a big deal. It didn't cause me a great amount of stress and it is certainly nothing critical now. It is simply an issue that I know I will face at some point in the future. When and where I am not sure at this point but I know I will face it.
So here was the problem, I was trying to figure out the answer to this particular issue today. It wasn't even an important issue today and I wasn't spending a lot of time consciously thinking about it. I could just sense it sort of floating around in the back of my mind. I knew that even if I had the perfect solution, it was not the right time to do anything about the "issue." I hate to use the term issue because it really wasn't yet. But like I said, men see problems as a challenge and as you know most men enjoy challenges and for the most part I am no exception to the rule. Are you ready for the revelation that the Lord told me. It is of massive proportion. Here's what he said - stop.
That's it, stop. He didn't tell me to do anything but stop. He brought this song to my mind. It's called "Only Believe." Some of the words are, "Only believe, only believe. All things are possible. Only believe." I love this song. But what He was telling me was to wait on Him. He was telling me that He would give me the answer to this particular challenge when the time was right. But today was not the day.
It took me a little time yesterday to let this sink in but when it did, it was liberating. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is wait. Sometimes we want to jump out and fix a problem without knowing how to fix it. If we don't really know what God wants us to do, we can try to crack eggs with a sledge hammer.
So what am I saying today? Here are some of the things the Lord reminded me of through this. First, today has it's own things to deal with. Sometimes we try to jump to far ahead. What are you facing today? Deal with that today and spend much less time worrying about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have it's own stuff to deal with. Second, it's so extremely important to simply trust God. For this particular challenge, I don't have the answer but I know One who does. I know that God will see me through every challenge. Sometimes I just need to be reminded to trust Him. Lastly, stop and wait. There are going to be times when we have to just stop and wait. It may not be our nature but it is the right thing to do. I hope this helps someone.
That's another Opinion of the Minion
Ladies let me help you understand something about men. When we are presented with a problem, our first thought is fix the problem. I know that many times ladies want to discuss the problem just to get their feelings out.
Men, this is a good thing and we cannot change them. We will make them much happier if we learn to listen to them when they are expressing themselves. Many times when a woman is telling us about a problem, she is just wants to express her emotions. This is a good thing and we as men, need to be more in touch with the emotions that are inside us. When a woman tells you about something that is bothering her, don't try to fix it unless she asks you to. The more you learn to empathize with her, the better your relationship will be.
However ladies, you need to understand the way we operate. God wired us to solve problems so if you present us with a problem that you just want to talk about, you can help us help you but letting us know up front that's what you want. For either sex, if we expect our partner to read our mind, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Why do you think God gave us mouths? He intended for us to speak.
So judging by this you would think that I had an issue with the amazing woman that I am dating right? Well, you would be wrong. We communicate very well. The issue I had was an internal one that I had to discuss with God. Now this particular issue that I was working through was really not a big deal. It didn't cause me a great amount of stress and it is certainly nothing critical now. It is simply an issue that I know I will face at some point in the future. When and where I am not sure at this point but I know I will face it.
So here was the problem, I was trying to figure out the answer to this particular issue today. It wasn't even an important issue today and I wasn't spending a lot of time consciously thinking about it. I could just sense it sort of floating around in the back of my mind. I knew that even if I had the perfect solution, it was not the right time to do anything about the "issue." I hate to use the term issue because it really wasn't yet. But like I said, men see problems as a challenge and as you know most men enjoy challenges and for the most part I am no exception to the rule. Are you ready for the revelation that the Lord told me. It is of massive proportion. Here's what he said - stop.
That's it, stop. He didn't tell me to do anything but stop. He brought this song to my mind. It's called "Only Believe." Some of the words are, "Only believe, only believe. All things are possible. Only believe." I love this song. But what He was telling me was to wait on Him. He was telling me that He would give me the answer to this particular challenge when the time was right. But today was not the day.
It took me a little time yesterday to let this sink in but when it did, it was liberating. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is wait. Sometimes we want to jump out and fix a problem without knowing how to fix it. If we don't really know what God wants us to do, we can try to crack eggs with a sledge hammer.
So what am I saying today? Here are some of the things the Lord reminded me of through this. First, today has it's own things to deal with. Sometimes we try to jump to far ahead. What are you facing today? Deal with that today and spend much less time worrying about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have it's own stuff to deal with. Second, it's so extremely important to simply trust God. For this particular challenge, I don't have the answer but I know One who does. I know that God will see me through every challenge. Sometimes I just need to be reminded to trust Him. Lastly, stop and wait. There are going to be times when we have to just stop and wait. It may not be our nature but it is the right thing to do. I hope this helps someone.
That's another Opinion of the Minion
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