Friday, June 3, 2011

What is Strength

At the request of a friend of mine, below please find my latest opinion.

Have you ever wondered why girls are attracted to "bad boys" and boys are attracted to "bad girls"?

I think the answer is because of a perceived strength of boys and girls.  When we find a "significant other," it should be someone who has strengths to compliment our weaknesses and vice versa.  But the real question is what is strength?  Girls want to feel secure so they are attracted to the guy who has a little attitude appears strong.  He treats them badly but he is macho and "tough."  Unfortunately for them, most girls don't really understand strength.  See the fact that the guy can walk around puffing out his chest, "protecting" you from threats, being a smart mouth and wearing an affliction tee shirt doesn't make him strong.  This makes no sense.  Ladies, how often does someone threaten you with physical bodily harm?  How often do you need emotional support vs. physical support?

Ladies, let me give you some examples of a true "strong" man who can protect you:
1.  A man who is not afraid to have emotions of his own and is not afraid to show you them.
2.  A man who has a job.  Now men, in this economy if you just lost your job, I am not saying anything negative about you but if you haven't looked for a job in three years and just sit around waiting for your chance to be on UFC, let me help you - get a real job.
3.  A man who is OK with you showing your emotions and knows how to empathize with you.  A strong man knows how to protect your emotions when they need to be protected.
4.  A strong man knows who is God and knows it isn't him.
5.  A strong man isn't afraid of your relationship with God.  He knows that if you put God first and he is second, that he will be much better off than if he was first.
6.  A strong man knows how to do right because it is right whether or not it is in his personal best interest to do so.
7.  A strong man really cares how you feel and looks out for your best interest.
8.  A strong man wants to see you achieve all your dreams and shows genuine interest in them.
9.  How does he treat the wait staff when you are at a restaurant?  If he treats them disrespectfully, one day he will treat you the same way.
10.  Is he really there for you when you need him?  Does he listen to you?  Does he value your opinion?

Ladies, the problem is that you will not know if a man is strong merely because he looks good or because you went out with him once.  When you were in school, you had several grades that made up your final semester grade.  There was daily work, quizes, tests and final exams.  You can't know what type of man he is until he has been through all of these life tests.  Also, notice that it takes all semester to accumulate the grades.  You won't know how strong he is by outward appearance, you have to see all the work.  Ladies if you are dating a man who is tough guy strong but not strong past that you are dating a child who's body is old.  I am not saying that I have completely matured by any means but I am certainly working on it.

Now men, lets talk about us.  We are always concerned first and foremost about looks.  If a woman doesn't look pretty, we immediately aren't interested.  Is this bad?  Not necessarily because physical chemistry is definitely important.  We are drawn to someone who helps us with our self esteem.  If we are with a really pretty girl then that tells other people that we "have what it takes" to catch the really hot girl.  That self esteem boost can be very temporary.  Let me give you a few thoughts about finding a good girl instead of a bad one.

1.  Does she show genuine interest in you and what you are doing?
2.  Is that interest positive or negative.  If she is interested in you but always in a negative way, then run from her.
3.  How does she treat other people around her?  Be careful if she is mean, inconsiderate or rude to people around you because that gives you an indication of what she is really like.  One day she will act the same way to you.
4.  Does she go out of her way to help other people when there is no perceived benefit to her for doing so?
5.  Does she know God?
6.  Ladies want to be treated like queens.  Men, ask yourself this question - If I do all the work to treat her like a queen, what do I get for my efforts.  If it is just sex, soon enough the work put in will not be worth what you get for it.  Your work must get you something far more rewarding - Her heart committed to yours.
7.  Gentlemen, we all know the cost.  Make sure she is really worth it.
8.  When you are in a bad situation, how does she react?  Does she do the right thing or look for the way out that is most beneficial to her?

Ladies and Gentlemen, this list is not a complete list by any stretch but I want to challenge you to look beyond the superficial traits about a man or woman and try to see who they really are - good or bad.  I think Blake Shelton summed it up pretty well when he sang, "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking?"

You attract what you are so do you have real strength?

That's the Opinion of the Minion


  1. (you spelled strength wrong every time... might wanna fix that...) Besides that, very true.

  2. Thanks Karianna. When I first started the blog, I didn't know how to work the spell checker. Once I figured it out, I forgot to go back and check these.
